13 Wishes

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Summary✒ the Madrigals are taking a Family Vacation, well apart from Abuela who chose to watch over Encanto, the Family needs a break... However, the family ends up finding a new stranger who has a gift and a certain shapeshifter in the Madrigal family quickly helps the Stranger come together with his family...

((Part 1) I really missed writing for the Madrigals and this stupid chameleon )

The Family was taking a much-needed vacation, in a new small town with few problems.

Juliéta was happy to be in a new (temporary) kitchen to get messy and try new things without worrying about getting Casita all messy, Aústan was just happy to spend time with his family and not worry about the Bees... Mirabel was happy to share her dresses and fashion designs with new people, Luisa was happy to not use her gift and give her sore muscles a well-deserved break, and Isabela was ready to spread beautiful plants all around the town as thanks.

Pepa was so happy to finally be out and be able to see a whole new world and not worry about anything for once and that alone had a brightly colored rainbow above her head; Félix was happy to see his wife happy as he carried his youngest son on his back trying to answer as many of the "what's that!" Questions the youngest asked, Antonio was intrigued and mesmerized by the new world he was being brought into, Delores was ready to hear all the juicy gossip she could from the new town to gossip with her mamá, Camilo was ready to pull his charm, and perform every night as him and not shift into anyone, and people would cheer not because he was a Madrigal but because he was talented.

And Bruno was happy to be with his family and not have to worry about a single vision ruining the vacation or anyone's day.

Upon arriving the Madrigals were greeted with smiles and warm welcomes, and the Kids were happy to play with Antonio!

The young ladies all welcome Delores, Isabela, and Luisa into their groups and being complementing each other's dresses, hair, and overall beauty.

Mirabel was being complimented on her talents by the town's seamstress, being invited to make a dress or two.

The Mothers and Fathers of the Family were encouraged to have a date night all to themselves as they don't get those often any more.

Bruno was talking to the mice in the town and introducing his little furry friends.

And Camilo well, while he is welcome to perform he has already gotten the attention of some girls in the town...

While Camilo was trying to get his act together and simultaneously hiding from the awestruck girls of the town he tripped over a small object.
Looking down at the small object it looked to be made of glass, small crystals, and flowers? Rested at the bottom of the oddly shaped glass trinket, the golden chain was what caught his foot.

Camilo lifted the trinket closer to his face before trying to rub some of the dirt off of the glass to get a better look at the object in his soft hands when it glowed and started to shake and in shock Camilo dropped it.
But a hand from someone who hadn't been there a moment before caught the glass trinket.

"Hello, finder!" A cheery voice calls to him and he looks into the colorful eyes of the magical stranger, "where did you come from?" He asks awkwardly still shocked at the fact someone other than his family had gifts.
"You called for me!" The stranger answered lifting their hand and gesturing to the odd object in their hand.

"You found my trinket and for that, you get 13 wishes! No more no less! So use them wisely and remember to be very careful with what you wish for!" The stranger advised the awestruck boy. All the information took Camilo a moment to take in and comprehend.

"Wait. So I get 13 wishes, and get to wish for whatever I want?" Camilo says his excitement about the situation he found himself in, thinking of all the arepas he could ask for.

"Well, there are a few... Restrictions I have put in place." The stranger plays with their fingers as they lean away from the boy. Before grabbing his Ruana and pulling him in close till they were face to face only a few inches away, "RULE NUMBER ONE!" the stranger exclaimed staring into his eyes "tell NO ONE! About the trinket and how you are currently the holder of it! Or how many wishes you have used!!" Camilo gulps as the stranger loosens their grip on him and pulls away slightly, "RULE NUMBER TWO!" The stranger's voice rises again, "I can't make anyone fall in love with anybody else"- the stranger poofs next to Camilo placing a loud kiss on his cheek- " just a little kissy there!" The stranger teased before the moved to grasp his shoulder, "oh, and I can't kill anybody or bring anyone back from the dead." The stranger just looks into his eyes with a big smile after saying that and it made Camilo shiver in slight fear.

Before breaking eye contact with Camilo, "but anything other than that, you got it." The stranger sighs, Camilo thinks for a moment looking around him and noticing it has gotten dark out Camilo decides to put the stranger to the test.

"Well, I don't know. Those rules seem to be pretty simple things and you can't even do that! I doubt you would even be able to bring me back to my mamí and Papí in the town over." He looks to his side in fake disinterest making the stranger glare at him, "oh you want proof? I'll give ya' proof pretty boy!!" And just like that Camilo was momentarily blinded by a light before he was in front of his family,

"How's THAT for proof!" The stranger yells in his face and Camilo hums "so about those 13 wishes?" Camilo asks ignoring his family that stood watching in confusion, "hmm? I'm sorry what was that? Does mine ears deceive me? 13? You are down to 12 BOY!"

"Ah! I never wished to be back with my familia you did that all on your own for me!" Camilo smirked.

The stranger paused...

"Well, don't I feel sheepish..." The stranger shies away from the Smug boy, "fine I will take the blame for that one, you bad boy! But no. More. Freebies!"

Camilo thinks for a moment, "deal."

His family who had just witnessed this stranger just poof into existence along with the boy they had been looking for to say they were shocked was an understatement.

And after a long explanation, they had many questions for the stranger.


It had been a few days and you and Camilo had only gotten closer, especially after a certain talk you both had late one night...

"Man only three wishes left, wish I hadn't spent most of 'em of food..." Camilo hints at the stranger, "nice try, but not takebacks for wishes."

Camilo snaps his fingers with an exaggerated huff "worth a shot." You and Camilo look up at the night sky, he would be going home soon and he wanted to make his last wishes good.

"What would you wish for?" Camilo asks...you pause no one had ever asked you that before you were genuinely stumped...
"Umm, maybe to be able to make wishes for me..."

Camilo looks at you, "what do you mean?"

"Well, I can't make wishes for me. Like wishes that would benefit me in any way. I'm just forever meant to do what the finder wants me to, no matter how I feel about it. To be able to say no, or make my own wishes come true... That would be what I would wish for..."

Camilo looks at you with stars in his eyes, watching you at that moment. Seeing you so passionate about what you want, made his heart skip a beat.

Camilo smiled, and he scooted himself to you; he knew what his very last wish was going to be for sure... No matter what.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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