🌼 Judging Rubrics - Novels

399 29 15

This is the judging criteria for almost all genres. Exceptions are Poetry and Short Story.


1. Title (20 points)

~ Is the title attention-grabbing and memorable? (5 points)

~ Is it unique? (check in Google for other books with that title, 5 points)

~ Is it relevant to the story and genre? (5 points)

~ Does it make you want to read the book? (5 points)

2. Cover (20 points)

~ Is the cover readable as a thumbnail? (5 points)
° Is the font size big enough?
° Is there enough contrast between text and the rest of the cover? For example, black font on a white background. If we have dark brown text over light brown background, probably contrast is not enough to make it readable.

~ Is the cover aesthetically pleasing? (5 points)

~ Does it make you want to read the book? (5 points)

~ Is the picture/theme of the cover relevant to the story and the genre of the book? (5 points)

3. Blurb (15 points)

~ Does it reflect the main plot of the story, without giving away unnecessary spoilers? (5 points)

~ Does it hook you to read further? (5 points)

~ Is it void of any grammar or punctuation mistakes? (5 points)

4. Writing style (10 points)

~ Sentences should flow well together. They shouldn't be too short or too long, unless it's done with a purpose. (5 points)

~ Are past and present tense often mixed up? The novel should mostly follow either past tense, or present tense and use past tense only when events really take place in the past. (5 points)

5. Pacing and fluidity (35 points)

~ The story should not be too fast-paced or too slow. If the author drags out or rushes past certain scenes, it should be done with good reason. (5 points)

~ No filler chapters. Each chapter should either introduce a new character, serve a purpose to the storyline, or present some kind of character growth or emotional turmoil. For each filler chapter (in the first 7) you encounter, substract 2 points. (15 points)

~ The transitions from chapter to chapter and from one scene to another should be smooth. No big time jumps should be made unless absolutely necessary. For each unnecessary time jump (in the first 7 chapters) subtract 2 points. Can't go below 0 😺 (15 points)

6. Describing scenery and settings (20 points)

~ Do descriptions help you imagine the setting? (5 points)

~ Is it clear where the action is happening? (5 points)

~ Does the author only describe how things look or do they also use other senses, such as sound, smell and touch? (5 points)

~ Do the characters react to the setting or are they so detached from their surroundings that their story could take place anywhere? For an apathetic character the latter would make sense but for any other character type there should be at least some reaction to the environment. For example, they could be scared if they have to walk home late at night through a bad neighbourhood. (5 points)

7. Character descriptions (10 points)

~ Is it easy to imagine how characters look like based on their description? (5 points)

~ Is it described how characters move or carry themselves, or do descriptions focus solely on physical attributes? (5 points)

8. Dialogue (20 points)

~ Is there a good balance between dialogue and descriptions? There shouldn't be too much of one and too little of another. (5 points)

~ Is there a good balance between dialogue and action? (5 points)

~ Is the dialogue relevant to the story? (5 points)

~ Do different characters sound unique? Would it be clear who's saying what even without dialogue tags? (5 points)

9. Grammar and vocabulary (25 points)

~ Are there words that repeat too often? (5 points)

~ Is punctuation used correctly? Any grammar mistakes? (10 points)

~ Is spelling ok?
° 10 points if first 7 chapters are void of any spelling mistakes
° 8 points for one or two spelling mistakes per chapter
° 6 points for up to 4 spelling mistakes per chapter
° 4 points for 5 - 7 spelling mistakes per chapter
° 2 points for up to 10 spelling mistakes per chapter

10. Plot (30 points)

~ After the end of each chapter is the reader inclined to continue reading? (20 points)

~ Is the plot original and unique? Are clichés presented in an interesting and intriguing way? (10 points)

11. Character development (25 points)

~ Main characters are three-dimensional and their reactions to events that take place are reasonable. (5 points)

~ Side characters are not flat and they have their own unique personalities. They do not react to events out of character. (5 points)

~ Characters are not perfect. They have flaws and vices they might overcome eventually. (5 points)

~ Is there character growth? Are there any signs that main characters might overcome their flaws eventually? (5 points)

~ Is the emotional turmoil of main characters too much or too little? (5 points)

12. Overall enjoyment (10 points)

Total: 240 points maximum

13. Short review, tips for improvement

Start with what you liked about the book, making sure to include any thoughts you had on points above here, since this is what I'll be posting when the contest is over.

Next, cover weak sides and what needs improvement. Please, be nice and constructive. Make it as short and informative as possible.


Be fair when you judge.

Read at least the first 7 chapters of a novel (prologue does not count to that number).

Message me the results via Wattpad or on ash17donovan@gmail.com once you're ready. Start with the genre of the novel, title and the author's name, followed by how it scored on each of the points above, total score and lastly, your review. And please, make sure to DM me if you've decided to send the results via mail. I often forget to check it. They send me mostly spam anyway.


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