💝 Fantasy Results 8 - 18

83 5 10

8️⃣ Fallen Angel
by MermaidAriel13

Judge: -HoneySplxsh

Title: 16/20
Cover: 15/20
Blurb: 14/15
Writing style: 8/10
Pacing and fluidity: 33/35
Setting description: 18.5/20
Character description: 7/10
Dialogue: 20/20
Grammar: 23.5/25
Plot: 30/30
Character development: 23/25
Overall enjoyment: 10/10

Total: 218/240

I absolutely loved this book. It has an intriguing storyline. I especially adore the fact that Joan still was not all okay with others due to what happened.

The story progresses at a really great pace but the scene switchings are abrupt at points.

It is mostly void of grammatical issues except a few here and there. I would mention that you should try to use less em dashes and '...'. They give unwanted pauses at times.

Each and every chapter unequivocally forces me to read another.

The title is quite reasonable but isn't really unique and might not stand out. The cover is really beautiful but doesn't actually force the reader to check the story out. The blurb, despite being a little long, is just amazing!

I will of course suggest to describe the characters more often here and there so the reader can remember them throughout and till the end.

Overall, I absolutely enjoyed this read, and I would absolutely suggest people to check this out.


9️⃣ Of Caverns and Casters
by avadel

Judge: __kvvhvurs

Title: 19/20
Cover: 17/20
Blurb: 12/15
Writing style: 8/10
Pacing and fluidity: 35/35
Setting description: 18/20
Character description: 7/10
Dialogue: 16/20
Grammar: 24/25
Plot: 28/30
Character development: 22/25
Overall enjoyment: 10/10

Total: 216/240

An excellent story, the plot was really unique but I was a bit disappointed with the cover and blurb. The first chapter itself hooked me. The characters were also great and I loved how well the story flowed. 


🔟 The Power of Artists
by UbzArCHalvez

Judge: mazlynaaeyal

Title: 19/20
Cover: 18/20
Blurb: 12/15
Writing style: 9/10
Pacing and fluidity: 31/35
Setting description: 14/20
Character description: 10/10
Dialogue: 15/20
Grammar: 23/25
Plot: 30/30
Character development: 25/25
Overall enjoyment: 8/10

Total: 214/240

I would have to say that your writing style is unique. The way you're storytelling is new to me, but I enjoyed it. The cover is very amusing, but I would suggest that you could put the author's name on it. For the blurb, maybe add some question sentences to lure readers to the mystery factor.

The story is fast-paced for me, so it makes me linger on which scenario you're describing. I suggest you explain it more as a 3rd POV interpretation rather than a lot of dialogues, as it somehow gets off-balance between them. The plot is unique, and I could see the character development, but I wish you could polish more of your settings for readers to enjoy your story.

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