Judging Rubrics - Poetry

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1. Cover (15 points)

~ Is the cover readable as a thumbnail? (5 points)
° Is the font size big enough?
° Is there enough contrast between text and the rest of the cover? For example, black font on a white background. If we have dark brown text over light brown background, probably contrast is not enough to make it readable.

~ Is the cover aesthetically pleasing? (5 points)

~ Does it make you want to read the book? (5 points)

2. Flow/rhythm (10 points)

3. Emotions (20 points)

~ Does the poem reflect the thoughts and beliefs of the author in a unique way? (10 points)

~ Does it awaken deep emotions in the reader? (10 points)

4. Is spelling ok?
° 5 points if poems are void of any spelling mistakes
° 4 points for one or two spelling mistakes per poem
° 3 points for up to 4 spelling mistakes per poem
° 2 points for 5 - 7 spelling mistakes per poem
° 1 point for up to 10 spelling mistakes per poem

5. Overall enjoyment (20 points)

Total: 70 points maximum

6. Short review, tips for improvement

Mention any thoughts you had on points above here, since this is what I'll be posting when the contest is over.


Be fair when you judge.

Message me the results via Wattpad or on ash17donovan@gmail.com once you're ready. Start with the category genre, book title and the author's name, followed by how it scored on each of the points above, total score and lastly, your review. And please, make sure to DM me if you've decided to send the results via mail. I often forget to check it.


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