Chapter 6.2

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She should have remembered what came of being talked into something by a Devon, Cynthia reflected some time later as she floated in a cold, dark space, handling equipment she didn't even have a frame of reference for. There was a distinct feel to the ship's atmosphere, or lack thereof, that was thoroughly creeping her out. She told herself firmly that by definition no one could be watching her on a deserted spacecraft, and then choked on a laugh as she considered how normal her life had been a week ago.

"Doing okay, Cynthia?" Scotty's voice came over her helmet speakers.

"Yeah. Um, I think it's done. The screen's gone all green."

"Yep, it's done. Okay, now you're gonna go back out through the airlock just like you came in, and push off. When you're far enough out, Khediva'll pick you up."

"Tell me again why this is an untethered spacewalk? Other people get medals for this sort of thing."

"It's untethered because Khediva can't have physical contact with a contaminated object. At least, no more than she already has," Scotty said. She appreciated him keeping the exasperation out of his voice; he'd explained this three or four times already. Not that it made it much clearer for her.

As the airlock cycled, Cynthia took a deep breath and tried to pretend this was all some virtual reality game.

"Don't do that. You'll use up your air supply unnecessarily," Scotty said.

"Tell me you sent me out here with enough air!"

"Of course we did. Don't worry."

"I swear to God, Scott Hamilton Devon, when we get back to Earth you are buying me a drink. A large, cold, no-nonsense drink that will effectively erase all memory of this idiotic stunt from my brain."

"Sure, but you'll have to order it. Getting carded would be a big problem for me."

"I don't think that'll be a problem. You don't look fourteen anymore."

"Nice to know. We have you on scan now."

"Good." Cynthia tried closing her eyes, but that only made her feel claustrophobic. She focused on distant stars as she took another deep breath, then pushed off from the derelict and launched herself into open space. The Earth spun above her; it was easier not to look, though sometime she'd have to find the leisure to do so. "Tell me, how long does it take to get used to this?"

"This, untethered spacewalking, or this, the entire idea of a civilized galaxy beyond our solar system?"

"Either. Both."

She could hear Scotty's grin over her helmet speakers. "Well, I've done exactly three untethered spacewalks, and they were all training exercises, so I can't say I've ever gotten used to it."

"Ah ha, the real reason I'm out here and you're in there—your queasy stomach!"

"A reason, but not the reason. As for the larger question, well, you're doing great so far. One step at a time. Trying to look at the big picture at this point will only drive you insane."

"And it's a short trip from here," Cynthia said.

"Sabrina used to say that sanity wasn't a matter of quantity, but how you use what you've got. Of course, I wasn't giving her a lot of points for sanity back then, since she'd let them talk her into running the whole ruined planet."

"That sounds like Sabrina. If she stayed on Earth, she'd end up as one of those women with a house full of stray cats."

"Nah. Cats don't do what you tell them to. Praxatillians do, mostly." There was a brief pause, and then Scotty continued, "Not Ford, though. I haven't figured them out yet, except that Sabrina must think he's another of her strays. Hard to see why; he's the Queen's oldest son, runs the richest principality on the planet, and pretty much does what he wants."

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