A happy day?

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You were born on Gana a planet so far out in space that it was cut off from the world. Huge city's of silver and gold and another sort of purple material made up the many city's. People of that planet looked much like humans they had white skin that tended to glow with whatever emotion the person was feeling. They tended to have very light hair, being blond, or silver. Another thing about your kind was that a small percentage of them were able to levitate objects. Others just had enchanted speed.

Your mother after getting pregnant but knot knowing who the dad was abandoned you shortly after birth. Leaving you in the care of your much older grandfather. Your grandfather  was sort of rich but not super rich. You spent your days taking care of your grandfather. To the best of your ability. But you couldn't do much as you were only four.

You were 9 when it happened.
When thanos came to her planet.

"Grandpa keep up!!" (Y/n) said getting inpatient on how slow her grandfather was. "I'm comming my little star" he said walking with his cane. The two of you had desided to go on a walk in the central marketplace in (yr street name) it was large haveing many stands and shops in real buildings. You walked with him for a while admireing the beautiful dresses and fruits being sold. "Grandfather can I have this one?" You asked. (Y/n) pointed to a dress that was hung up. It was a shining silver color, haveing a whitish grayish top with Jewls on it and the skirt that looked as if it would go below the knee and shined in the light.

"Well..." he said slowly limping over with your help. He checked it over for any rips and checked the tag. "Sure it's not too expensive" he said "EEK YAY!!" (Y/n) said spinning around her (h/l) silver hair flying around her. He paid for the dress and handed it to her. "C-can I go change grandfather?" (Y/n) asked excitedly. Her aura was a bright yellow. "I suppose, I think you can change in there" he pointed to a small area with a few curtains. (Y/n) nodded and went inside.

She took her time putting it on. It took longer than normal as it had so many straps and buttons. In fact she was so focused that she dint even hear the loud screams from outside. Leaving the changing area she looked around and it only took her a few moments to figure out where it was coming from.

 Leaving the changing area she looked around and it only took her a few moments to figure out where it was coming from

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A girl from Gina (a child of Thanos)Where stories live. Discover now