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Thanos motioned for her to get up and he stood up as well. He held out his hand and the young girl wrapped her tony hand around his finger. He smiled. He pes the girl in silence but I'll they reached a room a few doors away from Gamora.

" come inside my diamond" (y/n) followed him inside to see the bedroom.

" come inside my diamond" (y/n) followed him inside to see the bedroom

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The Bedroom was beautiful. " wow! It reminds me of my old bedroom when I was little!"

-Thanos pov-
I watched as (y/n) Exploit her bedroom. The girl didn't have anything on her except for the clothes on her back so I'll also placed some training gear in one of the drawers. " so do you like it my diamond?"i asked and the young girl nodded. I stirred the side as I let her explore the room a little bit. " I love it!" She said and I couldn't help but smile at her joyous face. " all right darling you settle in here" I said " you'll head to bed in about 20 minutes all right?" She nodded again. " well I have business to attend to good night my precious diamond"

"good night" I said as I sat on the bed. It was strangely quiet. On your homeland things were always loud it was never pitch quiet like it was. The only thing that you could hear from your room was the low hum of an engine. You took a deep breath and walked over to the window. It showed the outside of space and from the corner of it you could see a little bit of the ship. It was hard to tell if the ship was going fast or slow or even evenly. You took a date breath before walking over to the drawers which seem to be filled with all kinds of clothing! " wow he even put pajamas in here..." you slept on a light purple nightgown and went to bed. Thanos came into your room as you were sitting on your bed about to go to sleep.

Thanos pov
" now my diamond, as of right now you're too young for us to train you in a couple of years will get started on that for now you'll be doing your part by helping her on the ship does that sound good?" I smiled as the young girl nodded she looked exhausted. " all right I'm not good at this kind of stuff so I'm gonna let Gamora put you to bed all right?"

Gamora pov
I watched as my father left the room and I followed him quickly behind. She still had her hair in the braid that we had made previously making me smile. " all right (y/n)  things are going to be very different once you turn 10 even more so when you get older. But for now enjoy this time will you still have it" I placed a gentle kiss on the girls head pulling up her covers as I sat on the side of it. " 🎶sweet little Lily A brand-new place to come home... My fizz beginning always try your best throughout your age join you will degress🎶

A girl from Gina (a child of Thanos)Where stories live. Discover now