The beginning of a new life

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—-Y/n pov—-
As the two of us got closer to the ship it started to get bigger. It was much larger than she had expected. Once we reached the ship I gazed apon it. Thanos seemed to take note of this. "Big isn't it?" He said (y/n) nodded. "I'm sure you'll enjoy it my precious diamond" he squeezed her hand gently. After he led her onto the ship. Thanos led her through many many many hallways untill eventually they reached a small throne room.

it seemed to look like one in the ones you'd read about in fairytales. "Wow!" (Y/n) said running towards it. She didn't even notice girl that was sitting beside it. The moment that (y/n) touched the throne the girl longed petting her to the ground in an instant holding her knee just above her neck causing the girl to whimper.

"Nebula! Let her go!" (Y/n) watched as the girl look to I Thanos for approval but he shook his head and slowly nebula got off her. Even offering her a hand. (Y/n) What's hesitant to take the girls hand and looked over to Thanos for approval just is nebula head done only a few seconds before. " go on my diamond, you can trust her for the most part" Thanos said. So the young girl took her hand.

The two girls were pretty different in height. Nebula is Thanos had called her looked like she was about 12 or 13. Thanos walked around to (y/n) Side placing his large hand on her shoulder. " nebula I would like you to meet (y/n) she's one of us now" nebula nodded and quickly exited the room.

"Come my Dimond." Thanos said takeing her hand. He led her to the throne and sat down. "Sit on my lap young one" (y/n) obeyed. Even sitting on his lap she was still much shorter. "My Dimond things are going to change from this point out. You shall forget most if your past when we take off.

that was when another person came in. It was the same man as before. " my Lord, have you seen Gamo-" he looked over to you scanning you up and down. " I see that you found yourself another child" he spoke in a very oddly calm manner. "Yes this is..." Thanos paused for a moment. " i'm sorry my diamond I don't think I got your name actually"

" my name is (y/n)" you said quietly. You looked down slightly afraid to meet his gaze. But he stopped you placing his large hand under your chin forcing you to look at him. " my diamond you have no reason to fear me I have no reason to harm you unless you disobey me" The small girl nodded her head. " sire I was wondering if you had seen Gamora I haven't seen her since we arrived" " no I'm sorry Maw, I would check either her bedroom or the training area she tends to spend most of her time in those two places"

" all right thank you" he said as he exited " now back to what I was saying my diamond. there are rules you will have to follow and you will begin your training within a year or so you are much too young to hold a dagger or a sword." " I can shoot a bow and arrow!" (Y/n) said excitedly. " you can? Well that's very impressive I'll have to test you out on that a little bit later but in the meantime I'd like you to meet your sister" The other girl looked confused at him. " but didn't I already meet her? The robot lady right?"

Thanos shook his head. " The man that just came in here mentioned a girl named Gamora she is your other sister." (y/n) nodded again. At that moment another girl came in. She looked to be about 15 or 16 years old her skin was green and had beautiful hair. It was similar in style to the way that (y/n)s hair usually was. " you wished to see me-" The moment that the two of their eyes met gamoras s eyes seem to lit up.
"Who are-"

A girl from Gina (a child of Thanos)Where stories live. Discover now