Chapter 03: An Eye For An Eye

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Zel's eyes widen as she looks at the mirror. Her once light blonde hair becomes jet black as Freyja and Frigga chant incantations to remove the seal of her power.

Freyr could only smile at Zel. Hoping the sweet little girl they had been taking care of for seventeen years now won't leave them after they lied about who she really was.


"So tell me, brother. How does it feel to run out of tricks?" Thor teases. Loki could only roll his eyes on him and throw the cup of tea to him using his magic.

"I did not run out of tricks! She was just--"

"Smart? I might say that the young Vanir Goddess is something else. What do you think her powers are?" Thor raises his eyebrows to Loki playfully. Loki sighs and looks away in defeat.

"I don't know. I'm not even interested in this predicament." he says, looking at his leg that has been stabbed by that crazy girl. "I just wanted to know where Sigyn is."

"But you threaten her with a dagger when she clearly doesn't know of her real origin because she's adopted is wrong, Loki. She's confused. You of all people should know how it feels to be freed from a lie so suddenly." Thor says. Loki hates to admit but he's right.

"Why?" Loki smirks, "because I am adopted, too?" he wonders what his brother thinks now that it's clear that he is going to be the predecessor of Odin's throne.

"Adopted or not, you're still my younger brother. I love you nonetheless. I'm sure our parents think and feel the same." Thor said he was sincere and that made Loki's chest hurt.

"They still lied to me, Thor."


After quite a while, Loki and Zel were brought to the middle of the throne hall of Vanaheim again. Although the difference from later is that the two of them are now seated on chairs, hands tied on their backs. Loki's leg being wounded gave him the favour of not being tied below but Zel's legs were tied, too. In case this noxious partner tries to do something funny.

"This is all your fault, stupid Vanir. You cast a spell on me and here we are!" Loki hisses silently, loud enough for only the two of them to hear. Freyr and Freyja together with Frigga surround them, radiating their powers and saying incantations that the two of them neither know of.

"Even if I know how to cast a spell, why break a sweat for you? Underfed Asgardian God!" she hisses back.

"Oh really, how does it feel to lose your perfectly blonde hair and to know of the lie Vanaheim had been feeding you as well? Do you feel well fed?" Loki grins. He thought she doesn't know that he is adopted as well but he does not like to give sympathy to the Vanir, he does not wish to lose.

Zel looks away. She does not wish to converse with this freak anymore. He is a murderer and is now trying to get on her head. He is just pure evil. Instead, she started to wonder what things would actually change after this. After she had been freed from the lie that she is the daughter of the kind Freyr, one of the Gods of Vanaheim.

Freyja is known to have the ability to see the past so she's the one leading the ceremony, to see what has happened that day Loki's wrist tattoo appeared out of nowhere. But she can't see anything.

"Queen Frigga, I'm afraid our princess didn't really do anything with your Prince. I could not see anything from the past that could have done that spell." Freyja reports.

"How about you, Freyr?" Frigga looks hopefully to Freyr. The Prince opens his eyes and nods his head. The moment Loki entered this hall, he already sensed something different. The magic that was embroidered in his wrist and aura felt different yet familiar.

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