Chapter Two: Meet Your Husband, Now Play Nice

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Saturday, May 29th

It was Saturday afternoon. Yoongi had slept in until 10:30 and then spent the rest of the day looking through his wardrobe, trying to decide whether he should wear smart but comfortable clothing or his suit to the lunch next week. He was leaning towards the suit but if the Kim's are as rich as his mother says they are then he's not sure his cheap suit will cut it. Frustration gets the better of him and he slams the wardrobe door shut, pulling out his phone from his back pocket to text his group chat with Jimin and Hoseok as he heads to the front door.

(Sunshine, SUGA & Spice)

SUGA: I'm comin over

Jimjam: K
Jimjam: Hobi said bring beer!

SUGA: already on it
SUGA: what's he doin anyway? Why isn't he replying himself?

Jimjam: He's playing hairdresser :p I'm going pink!

SUGA: ah, gotcha. I'll be there in 15

Jimjam: Doors unlocked! :D xo

Yoongi hops on the bus that will take him to the part of town where Jimin and Hoseok live, with his backpack and two six-pack of beers on the seat beside him. He pulls out his headphones and presses shuffle on his phone, the music filling his ears and pulling him out of reality for a while. He watches the buildings and people on the sidewalks go by in a blur and wonders if their lives are as fucked up as his. Probably not.

When Yoongi sees his stop is coming up, he gathers his things and heads to the front of the bus. The door opens when the bus pulls up and Yoongi is instantly hit with the heat of summer. He should have worn shorts instead of skinny jeans. It's only a five-minute walk from the bus stop to Jimin and Hoseok's flat. Yoongi just hates that it's up a slight hill. He's lost count of how many times they've had to walk up this hill while drunk and it's taken them twice as long but it's even worse with the hot sun beating down on him. He pulls his cap further down his forehead to protect his eyes more and continues listening to his music.

Jimin and Hoseok's flat is up a little laneway off the main street. It is one of three two-story flats in the building, each with its own little backyard. They've spent countless nights getting high out there. Especially during college when the stress of homework got to them too much.

Yoongi lets himself in as usual. He has a door key but he never needs it when they're home. He kicks his shoes off at the door and heads to the kitchen, putting the beer in the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water while he's there. He can hear Hoseok's voice mumble something and makes a beeline for the bathroom.

"Hey." He announces himself when he pokes his head in the door.

"Hey Hyung!" His two friends say in unison. Jimin's hair is covered in bright pink hair dye and he beams at Yoongi like he's waiting to see if he'll say something about it. Yoongi grins.

"I guess now we won't lose you in a crowd," Yoongi says and only just dodges the tube of toothpaste being thrown at his head. He laughs and walks into the bathroom to sit on the edge of the bath while his friends finish what they're doing.

"Not funny Hyung." Jimin pouts.

"Oh come on, it was a little funny." Yoongi pushes him lightly.

"It was a bit funny," Hoseok says with a big heart-shaped smile on his face. Jimin's pout gets bigger.

An hour later, after Jimin is fresh from the shower and dinner has been ordered and delivered, the three of them sit on the floor of the lounge room around the coffee table that's covered in beer and pizza and pass around a joint to each other. Yoongi tells them about the letter he received the day before and how he can't believe their parents think it's ok to arrange a marriage between their children, even in 2021.

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