Chapter 7

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Phil took Yolanda's hand in his and they both sneaked to the living room. There the bottle was-- below the table, Yolanda spotted it first before she pointed her finger to it for Phil to see it, too.

They laughed quietly, placing their hands on their mouths, laughing like they were choking on cereals. "Phil!... Phil!" Rob called, from outside.

Yolanda quickly went down on her knees, bent down and took the bottle under the table and instead of going out through the kitchen, she went to Phil's bedroom, unknowingly of course.

Phil rushed to the door step to stall Rob from getting inside the house. "Buddy!" Phil said, weirdly. "Phil! We've been looking for you," Rob said as he reached out his hands to hug Phil. "No, what are you doing?" Phil asked.
"I'm hugging you." Phil took steps back, pointing and shaking his finger as to tell John that he didn't want a hug.

"Phil, come on, buddy," Rob said as he stepped forward. "Just because I sat on your face doesn't mean we're now gay, man,"
Phil whispered as he looked back, not wanting Yolanda to hear him. Rob laughed, "oh, I get it now. It's about that."

"John, I've found Phil!" Rob looked at Phil and nodded his head. "Come outside man, you'll find us here swimming," Rob said as he patted Phil's shoulder.

Meanwhile, John was taking out the meat that they were grilling while John 2 was holding a narrowed cylindrical container. "The meat is ready!" John 2 shouted.

"John 2, man!" John Right gave John 2 a glare. "No, you're John 2," John 2 said, calmly. "I'm not, and I'll never be," John said.

"Rob!" John called. "Where's Phil?" Rob ran slowly to John, "I called him and told him to come outside."

"Well, he is 'inside'," John said. "I'll call him."
John 2 peeked his eyes around the yard and at the swimming pool. "Guys, where's that new hot girl?" He asked. "The one that came with Taylor and her friends?" Rob asked.

"Maybe she's with Phil," John said as he leaked his fingers. "Huh?" Rob asked confusingly. "Be smart Rob, be smart," John said as he knocked Rob's head softly. "Look at it. Phil was looking for a girl, the girl was standing alone like she was lost. Boom! Both of them are no where to be found."

Rob seemed to be struggling to bare with that fact. "But I was supposed to hit on her," he said as he turned to John. He walked away slowly as both Johns laughed at him hysterically.

"Rob, come here, man," John called as he continued laughing. "Put this meat on the tray and slice it. When you're done, go give some to Phil and Yolanda."
Both Johns laughed even louder. "Whatever man."

Meanwhile, Phil and Yolanda were playing a game of Snakes And Leaders while drinking their Vodka. The way they connected was even going to shock a psychic, because they knew nothing personal about each other but they connected.

"No one is winning. These snakes keep swallowing us," Yolanda said as she laughed softly.
"Let's make a deal, if I win you will get to do 10 shots without taking a break. If I win, then I get to kiss you," she said. "Wow, okay. I'm not sure though."

Yolanda flashed a seductive smirk and rolled the dice.

Meanwhile, at the party-- outside. John was taking sips of his drink on a cup. As he rose his glass he set his eyes on Lucia who was his  crush. They were once on the same class together for the whole year but he never had the guts to approach her and tell her how he felt about her.

That's not the worst part. The worst part was that for someone like John, he secretly had feelings for her-- nobody knew, not even Rob, not even Phil. But luckily, there was an explanation for that, or at least "John's excuses".

Lucia had a bad reputation. Lucia was once involved with a school teacher who ended up getting arresting, though, for getting sexually involved with an under age girl.
She got humiliated and suspended, but she was Lucia-- she got over it and eventually, people let it pass some time after.

There was also a rumour that she aborted three embryos, those rumours were started by girls that she used to be friends with.

John Right feared that he was going to ruin the John brand if ever got out with a girl like Lucia. But on that party since she was there and it wasn't at school and he was slightly drunk. He didn't give a...

"She's the target. I must acquire this target. John! John! This is the chance, John this is your chance!" John kept on saying with his thoughts. He snapped out of it with a little shake of his head.

"Hood pornstar or not, I'm fucking her," he said softly. Rob and John 2 looked at him inquisitively. "Did I say that out loud?" John asked. "Who do you want to nail?" Rob asked. "Nevermind. No one."

Meanwhile, in Phil's bedroom. Yolanda rolled the dice in her hand with a fast motion until it dropped out of her hand. Phil and Yolanda reached for it but touched each other instead which gave both of them shivers. "Uhm, sorry," Phil chuckled nervously. "It's okay. I'm sorry, too," Yolanda said, also nervously.

"You know what? No one's winning. Let's do something else," she said. "Okay. What do you want to do?"

Yolanda stood up and wandered, "Let me think."

"We can go outside, you know," Phil said as he pointed his finger outside. "No. Let's stay here," Yolanda insisted. "You are such a gentleman," she added.

"Thanks," Phil said shyly. "What makes you say that?" He asked. "We are in your room but you're not making any move on me or looking at me with 'I want to fuck you' eyes," she said.

"I'm flattered," Phil said as Yolanda walked toward him and placed her hands on his cheeks. Their eye contact was breathtaking, Yolanda tilted her head slowly as she forwarded it closer to Phil's. Phil hyperventilated and pulled back, "I can't. I'm sorry."

Yolanda exhaled as she looked down, "I knew you were gay." Phil stuttered. "Relax, I won't tell anyone that you're into guys," she said hesitantly. "Yolanda. It's not that, I'm not gay."

Yolanda drew a facial expression of relief, "really?". "Why don't you want to kiss me, then?" She asked.

"Sit down, please." They both sat on the bed. "I-I am actually looking for a girl to love and love me back the same way, someone who'll reciprocate that love--" Yolanda interrupted
Phil on his sentence, "When you say 'someone' you're making it sound like you mean any gender, like both girls and boys. Which means I still think you're gay."

Phil looked at her and burst out of laughter, "come on!" He nudged her. "You make me happy, it's crazy I don't know your name."

"Well, Phil, I'm just looking for someone to do a casual thing with."

"And I'm the target?"

"Apparently, yeah."

Phil got disappointed but tried to keep himself collected. "Let's go out." Yolanda noticed that Phil had caught feelings for her. They got out of the bedroom, quietly.

"I'll catch you outside, there's something I have to do," Phil said. Yolanda walked out of the house feeling sorry for Phil who she having fun with but was suddenly down because of her. Phil took a beer from the fridge and gulped it down.

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