Chapter I: Mysterious Parcel

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"Kayle, have you and Jerick done anything recently?" Asks Marko from behind the bar.

"Not since last Saturday, I think he was planning a trip to the beach." Replies Kayle as she finishes wiping the table down.

With a look of curiosity, Marko asks "Hmm, so it's just going to be the two of you?"

"Yeah. He said he had something he wanted to talk to me about, but he couldn't do it here." Replies Kayle as she walks up to the bar.

"I wonder what it could be?" States Marko as he puts a cup of coffee on the bar. "Me too." Replies Kayle, taking a sip of the coffee.

Nearly falling on the floor, Nora says "Hey guys, I'm sorry I'm late!"

Throwing the towel she was holding, Kayle exclaims "What took you so long Nora? My shift ended twenty minutes ago."

With an apologetic bow, Nora says "I got held up in traffic. I swear people these days have no consideration for others."

"It's fine. Go get changed into your work uniform so I can leave." States Kayle as she taps her nails on the bar impatiently.

Clearing his throat, Marko says "Kayle, you need to control yourself."

"Marko, would you mind covering the last table for me?" Asks Kayle as she heads towards the employee's lounge.

"Sure thing." Replies Marko, continuing with "It's been that long since you last ate?"

Stopping in the doorway, Kayle says "I honestly thought I had a few more days left, but I guess I was wrong. I'll be right out when I'm done."

Shaking his head, Marko says "You might as well clock out. I'll pay you the difference for staying late."

"Are you sure? I still have two more tables to tend." Replies Kayle.

Looking at Kayle with a smile, Marko says "I'm sure. Nora can pick it up for you, and the tip will be split evenly."

"You're a lifesaver Marko, thank you" Replies Kayle as she enters the employee lounge. Jerick's house

Jerick thinks to himself "I knew I put the new plans somewhere. I need to hurry up and find those, Kayle should be home soon."

(Knock. knock)

Jerick shouts from the office "I'll be right there!"

Jerick thinks to himself "I guess I'll have to wait until Kayle gets home." (Knock, knock)

"I'm coming!" Repeats Jerick as he heads towards the front door.


Opening the door, Jerick asks sharply "May I help you?!"

"Excuse me for my rudeness, but I was asked to deliver this to Jerick." Replies a young teen.

"I'm Jerick, and what were you asked to deliver?" Asks Jerick, looking at the teen suspiciously.

"All I was told is that you would find out soon enough." Replies the teen.

"That doesn't sound suspicious at all." States Jerick taking the small package, and continues with "Tell whoever sent you to deliver it themselves next time."

Without a word, the young teen scampers off.

Jerick mutters to himself "I don't have time for this right now. I guess I'll walk to the cafe since Kayle's not home yet."


Stopping at the door, Kayle says "Alright Marko, I'll see you in a couple of weeks." "Alright, have a nice time on vacation." Replies Marko.

Stepping out the door, Kayle says "I will."

As Kayle walks home from work she begins to wonder what it is that Jerick wants to talk to her about. As she's walking down the street she bumps into a young teen wearing a button-down shirt and cut-off shorts. After excusing herself she notices an odd and faint scent of a wolf in the air. Turning her attention to what's ahead of her, her eyes start turning red in the corners and her fangs slowly begin to come out. Knowing full well she can't be seen in public like that, she hurries home.


"Kayle?" Asks a familiar voice.

Looking up in surprise, Kayle asks "Jerick, what are you doing here?"

"I came to pick you up from work since you weren't home yet." Replies Jerick. Turning around briefly, Kayle mutters "I wonder who and what that was."

"Kayle, is something bothering you? Your eyes are starting to turn." Asks Jerick out of concern.

"I'm fine. I needed to eat at work before I clocked out that's all." Replies Kayle as she faces Jerick.

"Are you sure? You seem to be on edge." Asks Jerick.

"As I said, I'm fine. There's no need to worry." Replies Kayle.

"Alright then. I need your help finding some papers for work, then I'll be ready to leave." States Jerick holding out his hand.

Taking Jerick's hand, Kayle asks "You lost the papers again?"

With a wry smile, Jerick says "More like I misplaced them."

"If I find them again, you're going to be my dinner for two nights." Replies Kayle with an impish grin.

Shivering at the thought, Jerick says "Fair enough."

"Did you know in vampire society, that if someone is bitten by one of us, then they are marked and can't be claimed or harmed by another one of us?" Asks Kayle.

"No, I didn't know. Is that why you've bitten me so many times?" Asks Jerick. "Partly." Replies Kayle with a smirk.

"You know that hungry look doesn't help." States Jerick, as a shiver runs down his spine. Amused, Kayle asks "Do I frighten you that much?"

"If you were in my shoes and I was the one biting you, wouldn't you be a bit scared?" Replies Jerick.

Kayle says teasingly "Not really. I've always wondered what it would feel like, to be honest."

"Kayle, we've talked about that." States Jerick curtly.

Lowering her head, Kayle says "I know. I'm sorry."

"I should be the one to apologize. I know I'm asking a lot of you to wait for us to get married." Replies Jerick.

Trying to cheer him up, Kayle says "No Jerick, you're right. If we want it to be special then we need to wait."

Giving her hand a slight squeeze, Jerick nods his head in agreement.

Changing the subject, Kayle asks "So what's our plans when we get to the beach?"

"I have a reservation set up on the boardwalk for later this evening, and a hotel room suite." Replies Jerick.

With devilish curiosity, Kayle asks "What's the occasion?"

Not meeting her eyes, Jerick says "You'll find out tonight."

Feeling jittery, Kayle mutters "And I thought I was full of mysteries."

As the two of them continue on their way home they joke and prod each other over trivial things. Due to Jerick's inept ability to calm her down, Kayle's eyes change back to normal as well as her fangs. Forgetting about the parcel he left on the table before leaving would later find its way to him again.

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