Chapter X: A Werewolf's Dirge

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Vampire Head Council


Raine mutters to himself "So it would seem some of our smaller covens have banned together and forged an alliance with one, no, two of the largest werewolf havens as well as four smaller ones. This is rather interesting. I would never have imagined Vampires and Werewolves coming together like this. Maybe I was wrong to think unity between us was possible. But they are all fools if they think we'll roll over and die."

"You look rather pleased by the sight of this. Is there something you'd like to tell me, Raine?" Asks Evelyn.

"Oh, believe me, Evelyn, you'll be pleased. One of our quarries is here." Replies Raine in a dark tone.

Following Raines' gaze, Evelyn sees what he was talking about and says "This'll be over quickly."

Telling the guard and escorts to stay, Raine jumps from the tower and lands in front of Jerick.

"You're rather brazen or just completely stupid to come here, knowing we're aiming for the two of your heads." States Raine as his eyes turn ruby red and his fangs extend.

"I never asked for this, but I will protect my family at the cost of my own life if I must." Replies Jerick as he too begins to change.

"Which part I wonder?" Asks Raine.

"To become this." States Jerick as his mouth turns into a snout.

Raine thinks to himself "He wanted to live his life as a human, but be married to a vampire? He must be accepting of a lot of things. Oh well, he's going to die here."

As the two stand there meeting each other's gaze, explosions could be heard from inside the building. Jerick stands his ground as the vampire makes a jumping leap at him. Leaving several large gashes in his arm and shoulder. As the vampire gets its composer, it sees the wounds it left behind slowly fade until they disappear.

Raine then asks "You're an ancient or at least a descendant of one aren't you?"

Without warning, Jerick charges at the vampire, not giving him time to react, and swipes his right shoulder. In the process, it left an inch wide, and a half-inch deep claw mark as well as breaking his shoulder in multiple places. Letting out a loud cry from the impact several guards jump from the tower aiming at Jerick, who kills one by swiping his claws along the jugular and removing it in the process. As Jerick does this the second one tries to put him in a chokehold. Grabbing the second vampire by the upper arm, Jerick squeezes with enough force that it shatters.

With its arm shattered, Jerick slams it into the ground. Losing sight of the third one, Jerick gets punctured right under his ribs and is thrown into the wall. Breathing heavily as his lungs slowly begin to fill with blood, Jerick sees a blurred figure standing in front of him. Due to the size of the wound and the amount of blood that filled his lungs, Jerick blacks out. After several minutes Jerick comes to and sees his sister fighting the last vampire by herself. Taking a look around there are vampires and werewolves alike scattered around.

Knowing what that means, Jerick tries to stand to see his leg broken. Instead of trying to stand, Jerick crawls towards his sister. Seeing the vampire leap in the air, Elizabeth misjudges its

intentions and is impaled through the heart. Watching the life leave his sister's body, Jerick lets out a howl that everything within fifty miles or more could hear. With everything that made Jerick remotely human vanishes.

Jerick's body doesn't turn into the humanoid version that is commonplace for them, instead, his body turns into the dog form that makes them more animal than human. As this happens, the ground beneath him begins to shake. Realizing the mistake he's made, Raine tries to back away. With little effort, Jerick leaps in the air and bites the head off of Raine as his lifeless body falls to the ground. Looking directly at the head council member, Jerick bares his blood-stained teeth and growls. As an invitation, Evelyn jumps down from the tower alone. With enraged Sapphire eyes, Jerick growls again.

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