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*All pictures in each chapter weren't mine (I edited the poster myself) I picked the original pictures on Pinterest, enjoy...


Ling hospital rooftop

(Hu yitian)


I don't want to think something bad.. maybe he dropped it by accident while taking something out of his pocket?
"it's late.."

I have to go home now.. Tomorrow I will give it to him,

At 8 am

(Zhan pov)

"What's wrong?"

I never thought that I will call him firstly in the morning,

".. Thank you.."

"Don't be.. It's my job-- Just wait and don't worry.."

"Should I tell the police?"

"... I've been trying to cooperate with the police-- but they've been busy lately with the serial killer search, so.. I suggest them to leave it to me,"

"If it's to much for you.."

"No.. I'm not that busy, so don't worry,"


Yibo just to kind.. or perhaps cause I'm his husband after all? hehe.. I'm gratefull.. 

I call him before so it can makes me relax a bit,

Sign.. Michael said that I don't have to worry cause he able to recognize between real and fake Yibo.. but really I still can't get over it in my head,

I laying my body in my bed (should I say 'our bed') ehmm.. gosh is still morning and my mind already..

I turned my body several times on the bed, think about what should I do before gone to work? Which is still so long, 

"hmm.. this bed smells like Yibo.."


For now I don't want to focus on the problem because it will only worsen my state of mind and emotions so I decided not to care too much about it and spend more time in this house or at least at Cheng's house.

"Maybe I should call Minjue, he probably in his break,"

.. the number your calling is busy.. please try again later.. tutt.. tutt..

Busy as ever.. Well I can't blame him, he's a doctor.

It isn't that hard to become a doctor but when something really-really bad happened it's like Boom! The number of patients who come is somewhat like ants who are swarming the food.

It's not that I don't want to treat them.. but sometimes I get overwhelmed when there are too many patients, I like treating them and enjoying it but somehow at the same time I'm not enjoying it because it's tiring.. 

from the start I took the job because of my mother.. She's not the blame because she says it will be cool if I can be..

Uwahhh but I kinda miss being there.. like when some nurse talking about their lovey dovy story or their miserable life and when I was taking my break I will go to the rooftop and eat my  lunch with Minjue.. the air is so good,

Tringgg.. Tringgg..

Cheng calling..

"Zhan.. Have you ever received continuous calls from the same number that you even don't know whose number is?

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