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*All pictures in each chapter weren't mine (I edited the poster myself) I picked the original pictures on Pinterest, enjoy...


(Wang Yibo pov)

"What?" I received a phone call from Yitian he said that he found something,

".... I will give you in person, are you busy?" his voice...- I'm sure he still worried about his friend-- but.. somehow like he's trying to hold back his sadness.

At first, I was curious and tested him a bit-- like.. What he would do if he knew one of his friend was in a difficult situation. Of course I knew that he was Minjue friend, before I called him I had investigated his background.

"Moca," I slightly moved my cellphone to look at Moca who was sitting at the table near the glass,

"Yes?" Moca tilted her head with her hands still on the laptop keyboard in front of her,

"Check my schedule,"

Without asking me 'for what?' or things that are not so useful, she immediately checks my schedule,

"For today.. you don't have something important to do so.."

"Okay, call Yitian to come to my office," I said that while stand up and take my leave to my office room,

I don't really have any clue about this,

"The test says that this boy wasn't relate by your blood,"

Somethings definitely goes wrong.. I'm sure of it..

*Creakk.. (Sounds of open door)

Looks Yitian standing there near the door, "Come in," I said while point my finger to the sofa not far from there,

(Hu Yitian pov)

He point that way.. perhaps he order me to sit there, I look at the sofa for awhile then ignoring what he says and walked over to his desk, handed me the photo I found earlier,

"Here," he just stared at me and ignored the photo in my hand -- he didn't take it... ---..., not wanting my emotions to spike I put the photo on his desk,

for no reason just looking at his face-- made me almost throw that damn photo on his face,

Finally he take a look at that foto with confusion all over his face-- Sigh.. well maybe he have his own hard day,

I do want to ask him.. but I'm afraid he's been on his bad-mood so maybe I should wait for him to speak first,

When I don't what to do and look around, his office still the same but ehmm except the sofa near the door and a little table in front of it--Wait this room doesn't haves sofa's before right? Wasn't he's the one who says it was necessary——

"You can go back,"

Does he has nothing to say? I can't ask him that way right? I'm bowing without saying anything then I was about to leave his room, suddenly I say something that makes me feels like..

"Somehow.." I put my hand on the doorknob then turn my head to him,
"It's not good to keep everything to yourself so.. share it sometimes to me, you know.. we were workmate after all,"

*Brukk (shouting door sounds)

*Meanwhile Yibo was like.. "Workmate? What's up with that guy?"
back to Yitian..

Sighh... I'm relieved.. It's feel like I came out from the ice dragon's lair,
Wonder myself why I said that to him? like.. why? really it's.. --anyway

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