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*All pictures in each chapter weren't mine (I edited the poster myself) I picked the original pictures on Pinterest, enjoy...


9.15 pm in front of Wang Bar

(Zhan pov)

"What is it?"


When I look at this my heart starts racing-- Is this all my fault?

"Zhan!" Zhou Cheng put his hands on my shoulders and shook me--

"What are you.. seeing," Cheng quickly took my phone and...

Cheng's face changed when he saw the picture that the stranger sent, he seems shocked.

The unknown number sent a picture of a man blindfolded in a dark room,
In that photo he is sitting in the corner of the room, his hands tied behind his back. Oddly enough he's in good shape and with no marks -- but still...

"He looks like Minjue," I looked at Cheng who had the same thoughts as me,

He looked at me then the atmosphere became uncomfortable --quiet for a moment,

He look back at my phone, "We should call cops," said Cheng with a low voice. I have a feeling this case has something to do with that person- I don't know I'm just guessing, but- 

"Sr Zhan.."

Michael approaches me, "Sr Wang said he will handle it," I can only smile at him with the mixed feelings that I keep- looked back at Cheng who was still clutching my phone with a face I couldn't read but I'm sure he must be worried.

"So your husband will handle it?"

I'm still not used to it that Cheng calls Yibo by 'husband' things, anyway..
I'm nodding, "Why don't you guys cooperate with the police?" Asked Cheng while giving my phone back.

"Well.. Yibo have tried to cooperate with them but the thing is they were still busy about 'Serial-killer' cases,"

"So that how is it.." he says with face down.

"Haaah.. At this rate, we should wait... I'm not in the mood to go back inside, contact me If something happens- I'm leaving," He pats my shoulder and leave,

"Sr Zhan, Are you still able to continue working?" said Michael with worry face,

Honestly.. I can't.. I mean I can but it will be very difficult to concentrate when something distracts your mind. Also, I can't force myself

"I'll go back for awhile then go home," he's nodding when I finish my words.

I'll go inside and tell my friend to work alone for now and go home,

11.08 pm YiZhan house

I'm in my room.. laying in the bed.. I've turned off the light, trying to sleep. The thing is I can't I'm in mess... I really really hope he can last until we find him,

I miss Yibo.. 


Speaking about him,

"Can't sleep?" Such a gentle voice, slowly I wake up looking at that person who enters the room.

"Yibo.." he comes closer-- end up sitting in front of me,

"I'm home," He smiles with a warm smile.

"Welcome home," I smiled back at him, approached him, then hugged him.

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