Our Turn To Help

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School...here I come....aaand am sick so I'm REALLY looking forward to it haha

This semester's gonna be wild, I can only pray that I'll be able to update through it lol.

Enjoy :D



"People are weird...naming a supposedly dangerous Nether-demon 'Brine-Hero'."

Steve snorted, "No, you brickhead...it was Herobrine...they called him Herobrine."

Both men turned at the sound of a small gasp. The being, now hugging a squirming End-creature close, was staring openly at them, lips parted slightly.

How...that sound...he'd heard those sounds before, hurled after him as he fled towns...

But now the elder was speaking quietly again, soothing, and the being heard the same noises now addressed to him. They were softer, lilting...comforting.

Wait...sounds made at him... Just like the noises they made at each other to get their attention? A string of sounds, put together uniquely that identified them...

The being's eyes were wide as he listened to the elder speak, smiling, repeating the sounds again.

"Hero...brine. Is that your name lil guy? You recognize it? It's a neat name...and you've been our hero more than once...kinda suits you."

Steve shifted, sitting up slightly, smile softening at how attentive the being looked, "Yeah...I think he recognizes it... I guess it's settled."

Jake nodded, mumbling around a mouthful of bread, "Hfeerow-brijin."

"Your pronunciation is downright terrible."

"Shuff up."

"Hush, such language is not suitable in front of a child."

"Hee'f not a chfild."

"He is now."



Our Turn to Help


The days and weeks of winter passed swiftly as Jake and Steve continued to rest and heal. Snow melted, became frozen patches of slush, dirtied with animal tracks and mud. The days outside were still often bitingly cold...but at least a little hope was given to the occupants of the cabin. Spring was arriving, and with it, less dangers and more opportunities to begin surviving on their own again.

As Jake and Steven became capable of walking on their own again, check their traps, and fetch food from Jake's shed, their little caretaker began staying outside more and more.

Instead, he watched them yet again from their windows, often bringing with him a rabbit or so from Jake's traps.

The two men invited him inside whenever they found the chance, though the being, now dubbed 'Herobrine' by the two, was still horribly shy, only entering for a brief second to place his gifts down, before vanishing again. He did, however, stay longer when food was involved.

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