NSFW Alphabet || V. Sinclair

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Vincent Sinclair X AFAB!Reader

Warnings: nsfw content (obviously), minors dni

Word Countt: 2,059

A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)

Vincent is HUGE on aftercare. He loves taking care of you after you had just been so good for him. Usually, he'll take a shower with you, but if he went a little too hard and you don't feel like it, he'll grab a warm wash cloth and clean you up the best he can before carrying you to his bed and tucking you in, AND he gives the BEST cuddles!

B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

Vincent was insecure about most of his body. Between his brother's comments and the way his parents forced him to wear a mask, how could he not be? However, he is starting to be little more confident with the help of you. If he HAD to pick, his favorite thing about himself would be his hands. The things he could do with them amazed him sometimes.

His favorite part about you, however, would be your eyes. Of course, he loved every single inch of you, but your eyes were magical to him. They held so much emotion and the way they sparkle when you smile makes his heart swell.

C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

Vincent is a very respectful man. He's always putting your needs before you own. But that doesn't mean he won't cum on your tits or ass. Sure, it gets a little messy, but he loves seeing your body littered with spurts of his cum.

But if you want him to cum inside you, you bet your sweet ass that he fuckin' will.

D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

Vincent is an artist, obviously, he's in love with you. So what do you get when you mix very detailed artwork with a super hot babe? You get drawings and paintings of you in very sinful positions, doing very sinful things. Vincent has sketchbooks full of these certain drawings, though he would NEVER admit it. He has them hidden away somewhere where no one will ever find them.

E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)

Before you, Vince wasn't with anyone. Sure, he's gotten a few hard-ons and experimented a little, but that's about it. After you, though? All you have to do is show him once and he's caught on. Everything he knows, he learned from you, and he's so good at it, too. He's a quick learner!

F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)

It may be a little old school, but Vince loves missionary. He loves to see your facial expressions whenever the tip of his dick brushes over that one special spot.

He loves being able to hold you down with his hands, he loves the feeling of your legs wrapped around him, he loves the stunning view he gets of your chest. Everything about it is perfect.

G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)

For the most part, Vince is serious about sex. But there have been some times where he's let out a laugh or two.

For instance, the one time he had you in a position with your legs pulled over his shoulders and you started yelling for him to stop. He was TERRIFIED that he had hurt you, but you started busted out laughing, complaining about a fuckin' Charley Horse in your calf. He laughed too, finding the situation to be almost comedical.

H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)

Vincent doesn't really care, to be honest. I mean, he never cared about it before and you never told him to do anything about it, so he doesn't care about it now.

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