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"So what happened next!? Cmon don't hold back on me! Pleaseeeee!" Starr shouted while tugging on my KISS shirt. My best friend my confidant the only person whom I trusted blindly and also the one irritating friend who needed to know EVERYTHING.

She was one curious kitten.

"I told you that was it..We couldn't keep going because that's when I heard the door open from my cousins bedroom"

"So you guys stopped? In the middle too? Oh man it must've hurt him huh?"

"No not really..." I replied with a smirk. She immediately grabbed onto my shirt once again and shouted "You slut!! You guys did it again didn't you!".

I laughed while my thoughts traveled back to that moment.

"Baby did you hear that? It was the front door, that means he left" Larry said to me as I heard him taking off his pants once again.

"Babe no wait..He could come back" I replied nervously. Truth was that I felt a bit numbed down there. Now that we had stopped I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep going.

That was until he began to softly kiss my naked back.

His hands massaging my ass felt so good that I closed my eyes for a moment. So that I could just focus on his touch and how that felt. He then leaned upon my ear and whispered "Either I take you right now willingly or by force but I need to make you mine again".

My eyes widened in shock to hear him talk that way but my pussy throbbed in excitement. I knew he wouldn't actually force me but it was sexy to hear him express just how badly he wanted me.

"Oh yeah? Well you do too much talking and no action" I replied with a taunting tone. He sensually nibbled on my earlobe while I felt his hand slowly massage my lips below.

"Mmm don't stop" I said feeling vibrations all over my body. His kisses turned into sexy bites on my neck while I felt his thick cock pierce my pussy once again.

"Mm baby I fucking love you so much" he spoke in a sexy low voice while biting and licking my back as he picked up speed.

"Aaaand!? Cmon what happened next! You can't leave me this way!" Starr said with puppy eyes begging to hear the rest. But unfortunately there was nothing left to say.

"Nothing...He busted and well we went to sleep"

"What!? He busted and didn't let you finish!?"

"Was I suppose too?"

"DUH!? It's not JUST about him..It's also about you dummy..You didn't tell him anything?"

"No Starr I didn't tell him anything" I replied annoyingly.

"What was I suppose to say? Hey buddy get down there and finish me off!" I said to her with a laugh that I couldn't hold back.

"Why are you laughing?? What's so funny about this?" She asked confusingly.

"I just imagined him dressed in a Darth Vader outfit trying to finish me off" I laughed once again feeling like an idiot.

"Valree you're such a dork..No wonder he nutted so fast" She said while rolling her eyes.

"Maybe he enjoyed it a little too much? I don't know Starr! It was my first time maybe I did finish..I just didn't notice it"

"Trust me you would've!"

"How do you know? You haven't even had sex yet and here you are preaching about it" I said to her while starting the car.

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