Time Is Ticking

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One whole week had gone by so fast that I didn't notice how much time I was actually losing. Every second of the day counted. I was in a race against time and I needed to get closer to Larry.

But how was I ever going to do that when he was never around in the company to begin with. I was beginning to think working at Crimson Banking was a waste of time.

Until I finally saw him.

"Take these papers and make copies of them. I want two of each"

"Sure thing Ricky I mean Mr. Ryder"

"I've told you so many times..You can call me Ricky"

"But I don't hear anyone else calling you by your first name"

"You're not just anyone though" he said as he reached out to caress my cheek. I shyly stepped back trying to avoid an awkward moment.

Suddenly his office door opened and Larry walked in. My entire body froze. I stood still as he took a seat without looking at me. It was as if I wasn't even there. He made me feel completely invisible.

How I wanted to badly slap him across the face and make him remember me! It wasn't fair that I had to start from zero again. His coldness towards me was really affecting me.

"I need a new secretary"

"What happened to the one I hired for you?"

"She didn't work out"

"Larry you gotta stop frightening them away"

"It's not my problem they can't take the heat"

"Well it won't be easy to find another girl as prepared as the last one was"

"Just make it happen. Okay?"

"I can do it!" I suddenly blurted out as they both turned to look at me. As soon as our eyes met Larry's eyebrows narrowed down in rage.

"What the hell are you doing here!?"

"You remember me?" I excitedly asked as he stood up and charged towards me. Aggressively grabbing me by the arms he pulled me outside the office and eventually outside the building.

Ricky immediately ran behind us while he shouted for Larry to let me go. Others that stood by shockingly gasped at our direction.

"The milkshake wasn't enough!?"

"You're hurting me!"

"Who the hell let you inside my Company!"

"I did! I hired her!" Ricky shouted as he stepped in and took me away from Larry's furious grip. I noticed his eyes drop to Ricky's hand holding mine so I instantly let go of it.

"I see. So she's with you"

"She works for me. Is there a problem?"

"I need a secretary and she volunteered. So now she works for me"

"I hired her!" Ricky shouted in frustration as Larry grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back into the building.

As we passed by the halls and some offices I noticed all eyes were on us. I wondered if Larry always acted in such an impulsive and aggressive way with everyone else. Or if it was just with me.

As soon as we got to the floor where his office was located which looked more like a huge apartment or some kind of fancy suite. He sat me down and dropped a load of paperwork on the desk.

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