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The beach was our favorite spot to unwind and relax. We let go of our problems and just enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of us.

It had become an escape from the real world.

"Larry..What do you think about death?" I asked him as I wrapped my arms around his neck coming closer to him.

It was a beautiful night full of glistening stars and a huge full moon that shed just about enough light to give the ocean a shimmering gloss.

His dark brown eyes sparkled beautifully underneath the moonlight. I gazed into them as he began to speak while looking towards the ocean waves.

"I think we all gotta die one day"

"I know that dummy..I mean what do you think about death specifically? Like are you afraid of it?"

"Oh..Well aren't you?"

"No I'm not..I don't know why..Must be my beliefs that make me feel somewhat safe about where my soul will end up"

"I don't believe in religion..All churches feel like some type of cult that want you to sacrifice something in order to belong with them..Why can't people just believe in their God without having to belong to a church?"

"Do you believe in God?"

"There's too much evil to believe in good" He said while turning his look to me.

"Remember that car accident you had with your friends? You all were being chased by cops and the car swerved down a hill"

"Yeah I have this scar because of that incident" He said while touching his eyebrow. I had to admit even though it was a horrific story he told about that accident. The scar on his eyebrow only made him look more sexier. It suited him well.

"Okay remember how you told me you were the only one who woke up from all four guys that were inside that car?"

"I don't get where you're going with this"

"Babe God saved you..From that accident and from all the other trouble you had gotten into as a kid..He's always been there with you..Why can't you see that?"

"Cause I can't see this God you preach about" He sternly spoke. I knew he was getting a bit irritated about the subject. Something he didn't really like talking about. I should've respected his way of thinking. However I needed to at least try and make him see some good in every bad situation he's ever gotten himself into.

"You can't see him..But when you let him in and feel him..That's when you know he exists and he's here..With you"

"What made you believe he exists? Let me guess the Church you grew up in that brainwashed you into believing all this crap"

I let go of him and disappointingly turned away however he quickly grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back to him.

"Baby I'm sorry..I didn't mean that"

"Yes you did"

"Okay listen tell me what experience you've had with God that made you strongly believe in him"

"There's too many to pick from"

"Well pick the one that made most impact in your life"

I was not the type to speak about any issues that happened in my life. Being the only child I didn't have brothers or sisters to talk too. My cousins were the type to spill whatever they heard to their mothers the minute you left.

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