Scenario #1 || Part Two

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Bruno just stared at the vision he was holding --
"It doesn't look that bad...haha"
With an awkward chuckle he placed his vision in a big bag and made his way to Y/N's house.

You were just passing your time when you heard your doorbell ring-- you got up and looked through the peek hole- oh? It's Bruno!

You were about to open the door when you felt something in your heart --- was that excitement?

Anyways, you opened the door and Bruno waved at you.

You waved back and gestured him to walk in
He walked in and took off his hood - his hair was a mess.

"Whoa- why is your hair covered in sand?"
You asked as you closed the door and turned to him.

"Oh, well, it's a process while getting the vision, it gets messy"
He stated as he put his hands in the large bag of his and took out this glowing green slab thing. It sure was glowy.
"This -- is your vision"
He said as he handed it over to you.

You didn't understand what he said before actually looking at the vision
"Oh? Is that-- me?"

"Yeah...well, you are gonna burn your pan"

"Yeah I do see the pan burnt badly"
The vision had you holding a burnt pan. Literally.

"Oh...uh, well I gotta go now....take care"
Bruno smiled at you and walked out the door.

Later that day

You sat there looking at the green slab vision Bruno got you, his power is actually pretty cool -- he doesn't only see the future but can provide evidence! Well, you understood why he was saying it was a curse not many people appreciate a bad future.

Just then you smell something -
"Hm...oh shit"
You kept the vision on the couch and sprinted off to the kitchen to see your pan literally on fire.

"Oh goodness-"
Baking soda! You quickly grabbed the baking soda you had and put the thing onto the pan. The fire soon went down and then you were able to get near your pan and clean it.

"It's burnt --"
You sighed as you looked at the pan
"Very great quality"
However, you took the pan and the vision to Bruno's house. Obviously, you both knew where each others' apartments at.

You held the pan up as soon as Bruno opened the door
"You were right it did burn"

Bruno stared at the pan and then at you.
"Well...uh, sorry"

"Hm? Why are you saying sorry?"


"You didn't make it happen did you?"

"...I used to get blamed for my bad prophecies"

"It isn't like you make it simply see things in the future that happen to be bad! Isn't there a single good thing you saw?"

"Well, there are actually....once I saw a guy back in my town deciding to shut down his shop but it would actually flourish in the future...I told him to not close it and after a week he was making good income"

"Mhm, it isn't you Bruno, it's just the future"

At this point, Bruno felt relieved. He was scared that you would get angry and blame him.
He looked at you and gave you this pleasant smile; this feeling was gentle, he provides this warm feeling.

Bruno Madrigal x Y/N || one shots Where stories live. Discover now