Scenario #2

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Y/N and Bruno are teens for plot purposes.

Y/n and Bruno in high school! Yay classic 👌
There is bullying included (it's not even real bullying cuz I have no clue how to write it 😭)


"Everybody welcome our new student"
The teacher said as she gestured towards the door. A boy walked in while holding onto his backpack straps.

He didn't say anything and just smiled at the others.
"You can sit here"
She pointed at a seat in second row and he seated himself there.

Your school was pretty normal but sometimes -- some kids decide to set up a target and unfortunately, some of them already set the new student as the target.

The classes went smoothly enough and it was already lunch time. You noticed that the new student didn't get up from his seat and just looked around until a few boys started gathering around him.

It seemed like a friendly convo but it really wasn't because you were able to hear it.

"Hey dude, how are you?"
A guy asked as he placed his hand on new boy's shoulder and leaned forward

"I am fine..thanks"
The new student replied.

"What's your name?"

"It's Bruno"

Another guy said with a funny face.
The others laughed, honestly it wasn't funny.

Bruno sat in silence.

"So, you don't feel lonely?"

"Uh...I guess?"

"You won't have any friends with that attitude"
The guy said with absolute no shame.

Maybe this was enough? They were trying to overwhelm him.

"What's for lunch? Your mommy sent you biscuits?"
One guy said with a mocking voice while Bruno stayed silent.

"Alright, that's enough"
You spoke as you walked forward, the guys surrounding the desk moved and looked at you.

"Why? We are just having a good Convo"

"No you weren't"
You stated blankly as you stepped in closer which made them move away.

They walked away and you turned your attention to Bruno
"Hi Bruno, I am Y/N....uh, don't worry about them-- they are just a bunch of jokes"

(I could punch anyone who tries to mess with Bruno.) He waved at you with a smile
"Hi, thank you for helping me"
Bruno said. He then took out the lunch box he brought, opened it and held it towards you.
"Here my mother made Arepa"

"You sure?"
You asked for confirmation and he nodded. You took one in hand and took a bite of it.

"Will they pick on me again?"
He asked while looking at you with-- his eyes-- his eyes were pretty.

"No, I will make sure they don't"
You replied with a smile
"This is really good"
You said while pointing at the Arepa

"Thank you, I will ask mom to make more"
Bruno said with a smile, gosh he smiles cute too.

"Ah...that would be good, we can share meals"
You smiled and then pulled a chair to sit next to him.

" siblings would join here too...but it will be delayed for while"

"Your siblings?"

"Mhm, we are triplets...I am the youngest one out of them...Pepa and Julieta"

Bruno Madrigal x Y/N || one shots Where stories live. Discover now