Scenario #5 || part 2

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Next destination, Botanical garden.

"There is a botanical garden I wanted to visit, never did but I picked it out for our trip"
Bruno stated while his eyes were still on the road ahead.

"Oh? A botanical garden?"

"Yup, I saw a few pictures of them on the internet and it is actually free to visit"

"That sounds really cool. That's a great place to pick, it must be really pretty"

"Oh yeah! It is very pretty, the arrangements and flowers and plants; everything is very pretty"
Bruno stated as he spun the steering wheel for a turn.

You nodded and looked outside. Remembering how you held hands with him. Sometimes there were these thoughts that didn't leave you. Yes, they were unholy.

However, you are able to control yourself well. Maybe.

Soon enough, you both reached the garden. It had a gateway into a little building that was a food store that was connected to the start point of the botanical garden.

The first sight was amazing, it was so beautiful!
The path was decorated with beautiful and grown flowers, a gradient pattern throughout.

Looking at each other, Bruno squeezed your hand and then intertwined his fingers with yours', he was blushing pink again.

While walking around you both kept talking and complimenting the gardens and flowers and everything there.

It was fun.

You took a step forward and hugged his arm and almost leaned on him while you both walked.

It was something sweet, the bond you share, he could look at you for hours and he has this glimmer in his eyes while talking to you; how does it feel? When someone looks so genuinely at you?


Well, the next destination wasn't really a planned.

"Yeeeaah...didn't think we would have time left before dinner"
Bruno said while he closed the car door.

You both returned back to the car after the trip around the gardens.

"Hmmm, shall we just drive around then? I mean we still have like an hour or so before we get dinner"

It was almost 7pm, deciding to have dinner at 8, you both drove off around the city.

It was just a one hour drive with conversations, complaints, laughs and some lovely moments.

He made a move tho and it was pretty sweet; he basically, held your hand while driving and pecked in little kisses when the car is at stop.
[I wouldn't stop smiling]

That one hour passed by pretty soon, it was Bruno you were spending time with after all.

It wasn't a very fancy restaurant but it was decent enough.
[I mean everywhere is a great place if it is with the dear Bruno 😋😊😘]

You both quickly sat down on an empty table and looked on the menu. You both wanted to try something new and went with a dish that you both liked.

Something that was noticeable through out was that Bruno kept glancing at you, well, specifically  at your lips.
Maybe he wants a lil kiss?
You called out to him.

He looked at you and raised his brows

"Do you really love me?"

He seemed a little shook at the sudden question but didn't hesitate
His tone was pretty straightforward and firm.
"Yes, I do love you...heh"
He then shyed away like his usual self.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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