Scenario #5 || Part 1

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Plot -
You and Bruno are going out for a whole day! It wasn't supposed to be a date but did it turn out to be one?

"We will meet at 8 in the morning?"
You asked him over the phone.

"Yes, I will pick you up"
Bruno answered.

"Alright I will be ready and waiting"

"Okay then! Good bye!"

You then hung up and went to bed. It was already late and you had to get up early in the morning.

Bruno and You are clearly crushing on each other; he didn't exactly ask you out on a road trip but it did feel like it. It wasn't that you were moving from one city to another --- just travelling around in the car and visiting random shops.

You went to sleep but did the thoughts of Bruno leave you alone?

Next morning

You had some things ready with you. You both decided to have breakfast and lunch in the car and eat in restaurant for dinner.

Yes, it was a full day trip.

You packed up essentials and were ready waiting for him. Soon enough, he arrived in his car.

"Y/N! Hi, did you sleep well?"

[Your response]

"Well, I hope this trip makes it a lot more better"
He then smiled like this :]
He held the door open for you as you stepped in and went off!

"So, I have the route planned out... After breakfast we will stop by at the city mall, it's early for that but that big place is completely empty! We can just wander around before going to our next destination"

"Ooh, sounds good"
You replied.
He was a talkative but awkward of a person, he was obviously awkward at first but spending time with him made him open up more and you were glad too because you opened up to him aswell.

But maybe, somewhere, both of you wanted to be more than friends. Bruno was a little too shy to ask you on an actual date but you had to give him time. He was a shy donut after all.

He parked the car in the parking area of the mall. You unpacked the food you brought and started eating. It wasn't a very heavy breakfast but enough to keep you both energized.

After the breakfast you both entered the mall. You didn't do much at first, just roaming around and chatting.

Everytime you both talk, it just feel so natural and entertaining. It's rarely that you both go silent; even if you do it isn't awkward.
You both can talk how much ever you want and won't get bored.

After some time roaming around you both decided to get ice cream. Bruno didn't really know what to get so he chose the flavor you chose.

"Hmm, this ice cream is pretty tasty"
Bruno complimented your taste. Yes, it was usual you both exchanged compliments too. Sometimes, Bruno would get a little too flustered when you keep complimenting him.

While having ice cream; you both again roamed around the mall again, chatting. You also wanted to buy some matching item and decided to get a bracelet.

It was a cute lil yin yang bracelet that would connect when you brought them close. ( you can see the attached image for reference :D )

"So, um...Was this supposed to be a date?"
You asked him;
Bruno was surprised you figured it out, his cheeks went pink and he giggled.

"Yeah...kind of...I mean, I didn't really ask you out on a date but more of a road trip...uh, I wasn't...I am not-"

"It's fine, don't worry"
He was trying his best to not embarrass himself. Yes, he did want this to be a date, maybe he needed this to be a date, but he couldn't get the guts to actually ask you out.

He slowly moved his hand closer to yours but stopped mid-way
"Um...did you want this to be a date?"
Bruno asked as he drew his hand away

" would have been lovely"

That answer satisfied Bruno; he felt happy because you felt the same way.

"Um...can we--- can we hold hands?"
Bruno asked as his cheeks turned more pink. He had these large puppy like eyes it was almost impossible to say no.
He didn't want to make the wrong move.

"Yes, we can hold hands"
You slowly slid your hand onto his and intertwined your fingers with his.
He squeezed your hand and smiled at both your hands holding each other; he looked up and immediately looked away when he saw you looking at him.

Can't help it; he is pretty adorable to tease with.

While walking around; you didn't forget your hand is still within his grasp; you noticed he sometimes squeezed and stroke your hand with his thumb. Slow and gentle.
Holding hands, doesn't look like a big deal but it felt magical to Bruno.
How does it feel to you?

After the lovely hand holding time in the mall; you both left to have lunch next. It was already time, you actually did buy a few things with Bruno.

As planned, Lunch was done in the car. However, it was a little silent. Bruno was mostly trying to avoid eye contact with you.

"Are you alright, Bruno?"

Bruno nodded and then finally looked at you, at first few moments he was staring directly into your retina, but then he looked away and nodded again
"Yup, just... I want to hold hands again"
He murmured but it was loud enough for you to hear.

"Really?? You want to?"
You questioned him; he looked at you and then nodded
"Are you sure you want our hands tangled? Like this-?"
You questioned again while you raised his hands and then intertwined your fingers with his again. You were going for a bolder move, teasing him was getting more fun.

Bruno had this wide smile on his face while still blushing red, he slowly nodded at your question.

You then slowly let go of his hand and nodded
"Then we can hold hands"

Shit. I am so dumb.
I looked at Y/N as they slowly drew their hands away and answered.

"Then we can hold hands"

Oh gosh, they are giving me immense butterflies. However, I quickly stuffed my mouth with the food we were eating, it helped the butterflies in my stomach to calm down. I could have totally melted in their arms and it would have been embarrassing.

Do they like me!!?
To be honest with myself, I fucking love them.
I can't get myself to ask them out, they wanted this to be a date! I am so stupid.
Why is it so hard? I literally read every article -- proposing is really hard.

I just want to hold hands with them again. And maybe hold them, hug does their body feel-

Goodness, this is bad; I can literally feel my heart pound, I should stop thinking about things.

After that, I quickly drove to our next destination; the botanical garden.

The next part is gonna be 🥵😳😳

Bruno Madrigal x Y/N || one shots Where stories live. Discover now