Scenario #3 | | Part 2

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Note : Btw, I think Bruno actually has a mini room inside his room with a bed, sofa and everything so, I just added that in here.



After the dance you shared with Bruno; you were spending time in his room.

At first look it seems as if only sand is all around his big room but there is an area away from the sand and dust.

"I didn't know you had such a comfy space here"

"I know, it looks uncomfortable at first but I arranged this mini room for's really comfy here, look at this safe space!" 
Bruno said as he moved a large blanket off a set up; it was basically like a cushion fortress.

"I mostly like to sit here and spend my time with my little rats or just read some books"
He said and sat down on the cushioned area, he looked excited and gestured you to join in.
"Come on, it's cozy in here"

You then joined him in the cozy spot and went under the blanket with him. You both sat there silently feeling warm, the silence wasn't uncomfortable or awkward; it was relaxing.

Bruno looked at you, he hesitated at first --
"Umm...can- can I rest my head on your shoulder?"

You smiled at him and then he gently placed his head on your shoulder, slowly snuggling in.
(Insert your reaction, I would probably freak out)

You both cuddled up to one another and he clinged onto your arm. You slowly wrapped your arms around him into a hug; he chuckled and hugged you back while rubbing his face on your shoulder.

It was nice. Warm, cozy, comfortable and you had a very precious person with you.

"I love you"
Bruno said while looking at you, directly into your eyes.
You smiled at him
"I love you too, Bruno"
Bruno smiled more and tightened the hug, not too tight but just squeezed you a little.

You both stayed there in each others' arms for around 15 minutes.

"Do you have to go before dinner?"
Bruno said while he kept his eyes closed.

"Yes, I can't stay here forever"

"What do you mean?"
Bruno then sat up straight and looked at you
"Uhm...just, you can stay here forever"
He said in a low voice, he had already started blushing again but kept eye contact.
"I mean...once we are married"


"You don't wanna marry me?"
He said while his face just dimmed down. He was using his puppy eyes tactics without him knowing.
(Insert your reaction again)

Bruno sighed and came closer to you again.
"We can take it slow if you want, I don't want to make you uncomfortable"
He said while he snuggled into your arm again.
"I am sorry I just got really excited with the thought of you staying would be fun. The others already like you and then if you want you can also have your own big room--"
And then he kept speaking on how fun it is to be with you while you silently listened.

It was cute when he got all excited over a little topic and gets talkative. It was truly admiring. He would often look at you with love filled in his eyes and sometimes you want to pour out all your love towards him.

After a while he got up and walked towards his bed.
"Just a minute"
He then pulled out a box from underneath and picked out a beautiful designed poncho.
"Um, I am not the best at sewing so, Julieta and Pepa helped me make this"
He walked towards you and held it out
"Here, it isn't the best gift but I hope you like it"

You took it in your hand, it was embroidered with pretty patterns of flowers and unique designs but there were a few lose threads hanging.
"Sorry...uh, it isn't that good of a  design"

"Thank you so much, I love it!"
You said and snuggled into it, it smelled like Bruno.

"It will keep you warm and...maybe-"
He looked away to the ground and then around his room
"--remind you of me"
He said in a low voice, he did want you to hear but at the same time didn't.

"This is why I love you"
You said as you got up
"You are really precious to me Bruno"
You smiled at him that made him blush more; You quickly put on the poncho and showed it off to Bruno
"Is it good?"

He looked at you with amazement, he was just happy that you liked it
"You look incredible"
Bruno had a wide smile while he came closer to you.
He slowly slid his hands on your cheeks again and pulled you into a kiss, closing his eyes and falling into the kiss.

He was gentle and passionate with the kiss; it lasted for a good 10 seconds.

You both held hands as you got out of his room. It was already late and you had to go home.

Pepa gave you a cheeky smile when you returned while wearing the poncho.
"Oh my goodness, it looks incredible on you!"
Julieta said with a smile as she walked to you.

"Bruno sat for a long time stitching that"
Pepa said with a smile as she gave you a hug.

"Yes, I love it"
You said as you hugged back; Julieta and Bruno joined in the group hug to squeeze each other out.

Mama Alma patted your head with a smile and gave a warm hug to you. After that, you waved at them as you walked out.

Before taking a turn you took one last glance at Bruno, he was still smiling at you with that wonderful expression of affection. 

You both waved and waved until you both disappeared from each others' sight.

What a beautiful day, right?

Ka-ching. This was kinda short but --- the next chapter is on the way !~

Bruno Madrigal x Y/N || one shots Where stories live. Discover now