chapter 36: releasing souls

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"we'll need bodies to begin with" Dr. franxx said

"jessica" i asked

"it can be done captain" jessica said

"we will need you as well your aura will be necessary here i am sure" Dr. franxx said

"if i can save lives i am all for it" i said

"jessica connect the kurogane to the EVA's extract them from those things create AI's for them to inhabit for the time being" i said

"affirmative captain" she said as several cabals connected to the two EVA's and like that both of them went even more limp this time completely lifeless as two individuals appeared in the ghostly blue that AI's appear as

"i had to manipulate the mind of unit-02's soul otherwise she would have been completely insane and unsafe otherwise, i have both their souls in containment within the kurogane's systems i am using a similar philosophy to the federation starship discovery's sentient system" jessica said

"understood thank you jessica" i said

"it is good to be at least semi free" yui said

"currently we are working on creating bodies for the two of you, though this is new for us, so give us some time" i said

"i want to see my son that is really all i care about, that man i call a husband, i would prefer to remain away from" she said

"if you would give me a name" i said

"shinji, shinji ikari" yui said

"jessica" i asked

"one moment, he is currently in class, the coordinates have been sent, to your osiris key" jessica said

"ichigo, let's go reunite mother and son" i said

"right" she said she was already suited up and i would just use the plug suit i had no reason to change got into the delphinium

"this is so much better" i said as i connected with ichigo

"not like the EVA" she asked

"if i never have to pilot one of those things again it will be way to soon, it had a similar connection as us but way more sinister no thank you" i said she picked up the bael swords and sheathed them on her arms

"let's fly" she said

"let's" i said as we launched we landed at the school and i found our target on top how nice of him

"come on, someone wants to meet you" i said as i held out my hand for him to take reluctantly he did and i pulled him inside

"welcome aboard delphinium" i said as i connected with my partner again

"this is a lot better then the eva though why does it look so feminine" shinji asked

"cause it's creator is a pervert, plain and simple" i said as we returned aboard the kurogane

"welcome aboard the kurogane" i said

"thanks i guess" he said

"cheer up kid i'm about to give ya something that should make you really happy" i said as we exited delphinium and i patted it's frame

"i feel so much better" i said

"let's go i don't think our guest wants you to act so lovey dovey over a machine" 

"i'm sorry, that connection with the EVA felt so dirty i didn't feel right at all" i said as we led shinji down the walkway and to the elevator which lowered us

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