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Commander Maverick stood calmly on the deck of the HMAS Hellhound as its cannons pounded the 5 large warships that lay in formation in front of it. Beside the Super Destroyer were two normal sized destroyers, HMAS Diablo and HMAS Ranger, part of the Sea Wolves fleet. Hunter bounded onto the bridge with Logan at his side.

"Situation report!" He said as he came up alongside the legendary naval commander.

"We're more than a match for them," the grizzled wolf explained, "but they planted mines that prevent us from moving into prime positions, or away from theirs. Of course they all know exactly where the mines are, and judging by their movements we can reckon most of their positions."

Hunter pondered for a moment then broke out in a smile that seemed to promise death to whatever faced him.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking..." He began. Maverick turned to him with a slight grin.

"If you're thinking of Kbomb, then yes."

The choppers took off side by side, a modified UH-60 Black Hawk with the Howling Commandos symbol taking the lead, closely followed by a large chinook with a sea mine painted on the bottom. The five warships scrambled 3 choppers to take them out, but the Black Hawk engaged them and banked and dodged expertly through their fire, returning twice the firepower and blowing them out of the sky one by one. In the meantime the chinook went from mine to mine, with Kbomb and his team rappelling down and swiftly disarming them.

"Last one! Let's go, go, go!" Yelled the explosives expert as he leapt out of the chopper. Disarming bombs was stressful, but Kbomb and his team were the best, and they completed their tasks without mistakes or drama. The wolf bit his lip as he unscrewed a panel, revealing the core mechanism. With a surgeon's steady hands he cut wires and flooded areas, disabling the floating explosive.

"Good one mate, 1:23, your best time yet!" Called his second in command as he put away his timer and was winched back up. Kbomb chuckled as he strapped himself in. Though he was superior by rank and authority, his lieutenant was more like a close friend.

Back on the bustling bridge of the Hellhound, Commander Maverick was pondering the origins of these destroyers that he was now driving back. They had attacked a patrol boat out of nowhere, and it was lucky the trio of warships had been passing through. The mysterious invaders had trespassed in Australian waters and had openly attacked an Australian Defense Force naval vessel, yet bore no markings, which appeared to be deliberate.

Commander Zach stood in the bridge of the Ranger, watching as the now freed up destroyers did what they did best to the audacious attackers. Two of the once dangerous warships had crumpled under the formidable hail of death that the extreme firepower that the combined naval warships were capable of. As the other ships fled, belching smoke and limping badly, the victorious battleships set off in hot pursuit. However, a piece of wreckage caught Commander Maverick's eye. It was a sheet of metal, a sheet of metal emblazoned with a crude shark...

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