Chapter 4

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The pups howled at the good news, but quieted down when Hunter began explaining what came next.

"This attack was only the first few steps," he began "following with military procedures their next step will be to launch a counterattack. This will consist of four to five warships and an aircraft carrier, leaving one or two to guard their base. They will stop just out of view along the coast, and launch bombers with a fighter escort, as well as a large land force. They will then proceed to a closer range, with one destroyer and the aircraft carrier holding back and the others beginning an artillery bombardment. With the bombers and ground attack, adventure bay will be razed to the ground!"

The pups gasped.

"Dude, how do we stand against THAT!?" Exclaimed Zuma.

"Except," continued Hunter, "we're not gonna let it get to that point! In simple terms, our goal is to engage them in an all-out, head-to-head, naval battle, with OUR bombers hitting their ships, and OUR destroyers bombarding them, along with OUR troops boarding their warships! Now, the Wolfpack ain't a small force by any means, but we are wanted all over the world, and are running at least ten major operations at any given time. In terms of manpower and naval power we're roughly even, but if you throw you guys, the Commandos, Kbomb, Maverick, Zach, and Zane into the equation, it changes drastically..."

The convoy of marauder ships chugged along, set for adventure bay. As Hunter had predicted, the marauders had brought along their aircraft carrier, with an escort of five battleships, leaving the one badly damaged by the Hellhound and Ranger to guard their base. Slowly four dots came into view on the horizon, eventually revealing themselves to be the Hellhound, Ranger, Midnight, and Diablo, powering through the water in a line, their intimidating arrays of weaponry at the ready. Before the surprised marauders could scramble their fighters, bombs dropped and exploded on the deck of the aircraft carrier, causing a pileup of jets and blocking the runway. The commander in charge of the now frantic marauders realized that the two squadrons he already had in the air and his anti-aircraft guns were no match for the famed and feared Wolfpack pilots, whose jets and bombers hurtled toward the ships, intent on delivering death.

Both side's ships began to exchange fire, the deadly projectiles whizzing and whistling through the air with deadly intent. The gunners on the marauders' battleships were panicking, for the most part spraying and praying. On the other hand, the guns on the Wolfpack destroyers, under the calm and experienced command of Commander Maverick and Captain Zane, took accurate and devastating shots that blew apart critical gun emplacements and targeting systems. All the while they were moving into prime positions and making themselves difficult targets for the marauders, who now grew desperate as they realized just how wildly outmatched they were.

The pups, manning the fearsome array of weapons up on their jet, saw why Hunter valued Maverick and Zane so much. The Commander and Captain's warships moved fluidly together, supporting each other and avoiding serious danger. It was a stark contrast to the marauders' ships, which attempted futilely to overwhelm the Wolfpack with numbers and firepower, and frequently found themselves manipulated into dangerous positions. One was trapped in between the Diablo and Midnight broadsides before it knew it, and was sunk by the pounding fire only a mere twenty minutes after entering that fatal position.

The one sided fight lasted two hours before the marauders went from slowly edging back to all-out retreat. The aircraft carrier had sunk in the first forty-five minutes, and over the long battle three of the five warships and their crews followed it to a watery grave. Hunter and Maverick had one more surprise in store for the battered, beaten, and fleeing ships. Unbeknownst to the marauders, during the hectic battle four submersibles and two chinook choppers had taken the long way round and flanked them. Several kilometers away from the battle the teams aboard, led by Kbomb, had planted several sea mines in the path of the marauders' ships. While the two battleships desperately tried to escape the much faster Wolfpack destroyers, they unwittingly wandered into the minefield. The first they knew of it was when explosions echoed from below, and gaping holes appeared in their hulls. It was all over for the two warships as they slowly sank to the depths.

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