Chapter 5

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The people of adventure bay cheered as the convoy of tired but triumphant ships returned. Jets and choppers flew overhead to the military base that had been recently finished. There they would refuel and repair. The Wolfpack losses were brilliant, it consisted of a single chopper and only four troopers because most of the chopper crew had bailed and been successfully rescued. The pups and wolves set about recovering and resting, they would discuss the next moves tomorrow.

Hunter, Logan, and Crash sat inside the spacious interior of their chopper playing cards, while Crosshair and Leo slept, and Doc monitored the latest stream of updates from central command. Just as Logan was about to slam down the winning card an alarm went off on one of the panels near Doc. Logan and Hunter swore simultaneously as they rushed over to Doc.

"Those bloody marauders snuck in and drained our fuel reserves!" Roared Doc as he read the report.

"Shit!" Hunter muttered as he flicked through the file himself.

There goes our clean bombardment!" Remarked Logan.

The pups and wolves gathered to discuss how to respond. There was much debate, but Hunter laid out the basics.

"They drained a lot of fuel before they were killed," he began "considering the amount left, we only have enough for the Hellhound to take ground troops over and conduct a beach assault, leaving enough fuel for a retreat if needed. The beach is heavily fortified and we can't launch air support."

The pups were no tacticians, but gazing around at the captains and commanders present, they noticed each one had a grim expression, particularly Maverick, Hunter, and Zach, the most experienced there. Clearly no one was relishing the idea of a head on beach assault with no artillery or air support.

The Hellhound set off from the bay at a cracking pace, headed towards its potential sucuide mission. Within a few hours the island came into view, and the troops dropped into speedboats, with amphibious tanks taking to the water alongside them. The sun was just rising as the Wolfpack troopers, 20 meters from the shore, let off the opening volley, with shots tearing the unobservant sentries apart. Groggy marauders clashed with the attacking troops. They quickly manned the beach defenses but by that point vital areas had been lost. After half an hour of steady firing, the marauders lost the beach and retreated into the compound. Shots still whizzed overhead, but for the most part both sides were taking a break.

It was nearly noon before the next stage began. Wolfpack troops moved swiftly forward, with their legendary skills showing as they dodged from cover to cover, letting loose with automatic weapons yet still managing to make every bullet count. One squad raced forward in a V formation and managed to get grenades under a pair of trucks, igniting the gas and blowing several marauders sky-high. Using the distraction the special forces began to drive the defenders back.

"This way!" Called Chase as he, Zuma, and Marshall busted down the door of a massive warehouse full of supplies. Joined by Rocky, Chase and Zuma covered Marshall as he lit his flamethrowers and set the dry wood warehouse alight. Protected by his heat-proof suit, the former firefighter bounded through the raging inferno to join his friends in beating back the marauders.

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