Chapter 6

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Logan and Hunter stood on top of a lumbering tank, blasting away at the marauders, carving a path through the defenses. Crash expertly steered the armored behemoth, trampling any defender who didn't get out of his way, while Leo, seated at the main gun, took accurate and devastating shots that blew apart fortifications and turned marauders into rag dolls. Crosshair smiled as he looked over the destruction from his vantage point on the roof of a dormitory.

"Leave some for the rest of us!" He chuckled over the comms

"No promises!" Responded Logan cheerfully as he let loose with his favorite machine gun. Marauders cowered behind barricades, terrified of poking heads out into the maelstrom of fire that thundered overhead. Hunter ran out of ammo on his AK-47, chucked it aside, and unsheathed his claws. Baring his fangs, he leaped down into a cluster of marauders and proceeded to show them just how dangerous a massive wolf was, with or without a gun. Crash whistled, viewing Hunter's violent killing spree through a monitor.

"He is bloody terrifying when he wants to be!" He Remarked.

Chase and Rubble met up with Doc, and the trio flanked the unsuspecting marauders. Thirteen defenders shot through gaps in a wall, until Chase cleared his throat from behind them. Spinning around both sides froze for a moment, then brought their guns to bear. It was thirteen armed men against a Howling Commando and two members of the paw patrol. In other words, no contest. The marauders hit the floor, pumped full of bullets, while the trio stood there calmly, the barrels of their weapons smoking.

The brutal assault lasted another four hours before the battered defenders retreated inside their final defensive position, the main command post, built into the side of the hill and heavily fortified. The steel doors stood strong, at least until Kbomb and his squad took a crack at them.

"Explosives locked down!" Yelled a wolf

"Roger that, ready to go!"

"On three, one, two, THREE!"

The massive doors blew inward, all but flattening the marauders stationed behind it. The Commandos took the lead, entering in a V formation with guns blazing. Any defenders who weren't hit by the doors or caught by the explosions were cut down as they stood in shock. Before all the bodys had hit the floor wolves were pouring in, spreading out and systematically killing all marauders.

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