I: Constantine Atticus Le Perion

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"Your Highness, please stop staring at my cousin." Dmitri Osborne says not taking his eyes off from the book he was reading. He shot a side glance at the 14-year-old  Prince Constantine who was shamelessly staring at the beautiful lady at the other table.

Victoria's raven black hair was properly tied in a pony tail. Her long dark eyelashes looks splendid as her eyes moved while she was reading the passage. Her other hand was busy taking notes, oblivious from all the attention she's getting.

Dmitri sighed and smacked the back of his head. "I.told.you.to.stop.it.you.creep." He says annoyed that he even dropped honorifics.

"What the hell, Dmitri!" The young prince complained. "I wasn't even staring at her! I was sleeping with my eyes open!" He hissed quietly.

"Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night" Dmitri smirked to annoy him.

The young prince eyebrows furrowed and stood up. "Hey where are you going?" Dmitri asks as the prince was collecting his things.

"Somewhere peaceful, you're damn noisy" He answered then started to walk away.

"Boo! Lovesick pup!" Dmitri says loudly

"Shh! No talking in the library." The librarian shot dagger to Dmitri who doesn't care at all.

"At least I didn't get dumped" Prince Constantine mouthed his best friend sporting a sinister mocking expression.

"You dare!!"

In the end, they where both kicked out from the library.

"This is your fault" Dmitri blamed him while cutting grasses.

"Oh really? Who freaking screams at a library?" Prince Constantine said sarcastically.

"It's your fault for crushing at my cousin so bad."

"It's not my fault you got dumped."

"It's not my fault your a kid in her eyes"

"Dmitri have you ever seen a flying scissor?" Prince Constantine was ready to throw his garden scissors at his best friend.

"Well have you seen one stuck on someone's throat?" Dmitri took one step closer.

"No but I would like to try it on you." Prince Constantine took a step closer as well. Now they are standing face to face and you could hear imaginary thunders with their grim expression.

"Boys, cut it off." Suddenly, Victoria intervened in the middle and held one of their shoulders. Both jumped like a scared cat leaving their souls.

"How could you sneak up on us like that!" Dmitri complained his right hand still in his chest. His breathing is fast and his face is still pale. "Look at what you did to Prince Constantine! He's dying!"

Victoria's attention went to the crown prince who looked as red as tomato. His eyes looked dazed and his mouth was a bit open.

"Oh dear, I might have scared him too much." Victoria said and went to touch the crown prince's cheek.

"Odd your getting redder"

Dmitri snatched his older cousin's hand because his poor friend was getting more pathetic in his eyes. "Tori, you should go home early today and rest. Your debut banquet is on the next day." He says.

"You're right." Victoria elegantly straightened her posture and swept her gaze to the crown prince.

"Are you sure he's going to be okay?" She asked.

"I-I'm fine, go away" He says trying to appear cold in which he fails miserably.

"I'll get going then. You two better stop fighting." She warned before turning around and taking her leave.

After she was gone Constantine put one hand to his forehead, relieved that she was finally left. Dmitri started shaking his head.

"You're hopeless."

-Five years later-

The crown prince's office has always been busy. Especially that work has piled up since Constantine was sent to resolve conflict at the borders. But today he has a hard time finishing all his works.

News of the crown prince engagement spread like wildlife and just now the empress personally sought audience for confirmation.

"I do not comprehend why would you choose someone who was rejected and more importantly—" The empress paused dramatically.

"She is older than you." She told him as if it was blasphemy to marry a woman older than him. Constantine tried to understand the paper he was reading but the empress was making it so hard for him.

"She's only two years older." He says

"I have already made talks for you to marry the Marquess daughter, you are making my head hurt." The empress finally sat after waking back and forth.

"Empress, the most noble woman in the empire is Lady Victoria Charlotte Osborne. The rest are too young or have already married."

The empress did not spoke but Constantine knew that her silence doesn't mean surrender. She was probably thinking of ways to drive Victoria out of the engagement.

"I will marry her, so save your energy and do not fight with me mother." He says frustrated. She was about to say something but was interrupted.

One of the Empress lady in waiting knocked at the door. "Pardon me for disturbing you, your majesty. But the emperor calls for an audience."

The empress stood up while having a small smile. "I see that you have made up your mind. I shall take a leave first then."

Constantine sighed, the empress was not giving up. Finally, he had some peace and could resume working.

"Crown Prince, it is Lord Dmitri Gabriel Osborne!" As soon as he started reading his personal butler announced the name of his best friend. As much as he had the urge to drive him away, he wanted to ask about Victoria.

"Let him in."

Dmitri stepped inside the crown prince's study and walked as if he owned the place. He made his way to the crown prince and started peeping at his paperworks. He whistled annoyingly and asked.

"So..I thought you said you moved on from my cousin?"

"One more word and i'll kick you out." Constantine coldly said.

"How could you, I feel so hurt." He says dramatically and wiped imaginary tears on his eyes.

"How is she?" Constantine asks

"She's preparing to runaway from you. No big deal" Dmitri says casually.

Constantine drops the paper he was reading. He turned his head to Dmitri who was turning red from stifling a laugh.

"You have loose screws." Constantine shook his head feigning disappoinment.

Dmitri's face turned serious. "She's still processing everything. The reality of getting engaged to you is still sinking into her pretty little head."

"I see, she won't change her mind right?"

"My cousin never goes back from her word." Dmitri walks towards Constantine's bookshelves. "You know this." He says half attentive.

"I know." Constantine was scared that this was all a dream. Just like Victoria he's still processing that he's engaged to the only woman he loved. Except, Victoria wasn't in love with him. More than that, she doesn't see him as a man.

"After all this years Prince Constantine, you're still hopeless"

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