Rule 1: Never tell a fay your full name

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Siting on the rock that overlooked the field and in turn the sheep, which stood grazing, Red couldn't help but slip into a lucid state. It was a common thing that happened, even more so during spring.

Red always found spring to be the worst season. It wasn't that he hated it, he loved spring time. But, it was the fact of how hard it was to work. It was always just the right tempters to loll him into a semi-conches state. Most times he would eventually slip under the waves of sleep. When he woke up it was normally to Edge, his brother, hitting or yelling at him.

He still remembered what his brother was like when he was kid. Edge was sweet and kind, always wanting to help Red with the sheep. He always saw the best in people. But, that changed when he meet the town Gard. After that his sight was set on becoming the captain of the Gard.

Hearing something snap off to his left Red shook himself out of his daze. Standing up and grabbing his crook he slowly approached the shrubbery, "Hello? Who's there?"

"Sorry, didn't mean to you buddy," said a skeleton in a blue jacket as they emerged from the tree line.

"Who are you."

"Hm? Heh, why don't you tell me your name first buddy," the stranger said.


"Fine," they said. "I'm sans, sans Font."

"...Red Vic."

"well, it's nice to meet you Red," he said.

Turning back around to continue watching the sheep and missing the twisted gleam that flashed in the others eye, red continued with his day. 

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