Chapter 1 - To Fly

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Estrella was a fairy. She was a sixteen-year-old girl who lived in a small home with her mother and twelve-year-old sister. She had long dark brown hair that went all the way down to her hips. The color of her eyes was a pure light red. She was quite thin but not concerningly. Her skin tone was also a normal white. Most of the time, Estrella wore dresses or skirts. She enjoyed simple but feminine clothing. This reflected her soft and tender personality.

As for her family, unfortunately, her father died in an accident when she was only a baby. Because of that, Estrella couldn't remember what her father looked like so it didn't necessarily affect her too much in the long term. Still, at times, she couldn't help but wish she would've known what her father's personality was like. Estrella's mom told stories about her father from time to time. This did make it so Estrella could conjure up an idea of what her father was like but this was only a mere idea of him. There was no way to know what her father was truly like back then, however, one thing for certain was that her father was a fairy, along with her mother and younger sister.

Since Estrella was a fairy, Estrella also knew how to perform magic which was an exclusive trait that all of the fairies in their species possessed. When it came to offensive magic, they came in four elements which were fire, ice, water, and wind. Each fairy is born with one element to master and is all chalked up to genetics to determine which element a fairy has. Estrella is very behind in mastering magic though. Learning offensive magic is optional but most fairies her age would have practiced it by now. Estrella was not comfortable with using offensive magic at all because she never liked violence so she never even bothered to try using it. Thus, Estrella didn't know what element she was born with, nor did she care.

The fairy race was best known for their magical spells and because of their magic, the fairies made it possible so they could live way above the clouds to separate themselves from the humans who lived down below. The reason for this was because several hundreds of years ago, the humans and fairies who used to live together in peace faced massive conflict, causing them to start a war against each other. This war was called The Rebellion. At the end of it, the fairies were forced to separate themselves from the humans. They were taken high above the clouds and used their magic to create a floating platform that would consist of a large fairy city to house all of the fairies. This city was where Estrella lived for her entire life. It was decided that this city housed by fairies would be controlled by a fairy ruler who would more or less be treated like a king or queen.

Estrella's younger sister, named Lavender, was a very determined and ambitious young girl, much unlike Estrella. She also had long, smooth, brown hair and a very pale face. Lavender was twelve years old and just a few inches smaller than Estrella. Her eyes were a light green and overall, Lavender's appearance generally looked mellow but whenever she talked, she tended to be very motivated, curious, and upbeat. Ever since she learned about the history of The Rebellion, her biggest lifelong dream was to become the first female ruler of all fairies.

So far, their fairy city has had four rulers and all of them were men who had taken great care of the city. They made sure that everything would thrive in peaceful order. Lavender told Estrella that she wanted to rule this city someday. Lavender was often found cooped up in her room studying and practicing her magical abilities. She had so many unique ideas on how they could change their city to benefit it for the better of all fairy people. Estrella usually wasn't interested in the topic of politics but she was still proud of her sister for having the will to take on an extremely difficult task. Estrella made sure to give Lavender her utmost support whenever Lavender talked about her dreams and ideals.

The last person in the family was Estrella and Lavender's mother. Her name was Rose and she had short, light brown hair and green eyes. She appeared to be a little bit taller than both of the sisters. Rose's biggest priority was to take care of her children while also making sure the house was in order. This meant Rose was a single mom so she had to take care of kids while making a living all at once. This proved to be quite a challenge so most of the time, Estrella's mom was very busy and unable to interact with the sisters all that much, however, when Rose did interact with Estrella, Estrella made sure to help her mom in the best way she could.

Estrella: A Story About a FairyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant