Chapter 10 - Solitude

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Estrella felt nothing but emptiness and dread. They were all ugly feelings that refused to leave her mind.

If the murderer were to free one's self from their sins, they would be looking away from their lifelong victim but in return, they would be able to keep moving forward. This mindset could either result from good or bad intent. Regardless, Estrella was left in a very difficult standpoint.

She could either continue her plan by ridding all of the humans, or she could try to avoid violence for the rest of her time here in this airship while coming close to getting herself killed several times. This would also go along with looking for a more difficult way to escape this place while forever existing as a murderer.

The corpse's odor came quickly to stink up Estrella's whole entire fairy room. There was no way she would be able to clean all this up. Even if she could, she refused to touch that body ever again. She would have to wash her dress and find another place to stay.

As Estrella carefully exited the bathroom, she heard a sudden knock at the door. She started panicking as she stopped in her tracks. Silver was probably back. She couldn't do anything but stay frozen and say nothing.

"Hello? It's me, River!" The voice behind the door hollered.

Estrella let out a big sigh of relief. Even though it was her friend, she still needed to be careful. When it comes down to it, she knew she'd have to confess that she killed a human. There was no way out of it but at the very least, she didn't want River to enter her room. Estrella opened the door by a tiny creek that was wide enough to get a good peek at what was outside. There stood River right in front of her with his hands in his pockets. His face showed genuine concern. "Where have you been?" River asked her seriously. "I thought you were in the bathroom."

"I lied," Estrella told him bluntly as her eyes avoided eye contact. She didn't bother to open the door up anymore for River to realize that her dress was covered in blood. "I killed a human."

River's concerned expression slowly transitioned into a terribly flabbergasted look. " serious?" He asked her, lowering his voice.

Estrella proceeded to open up the rest of the door to reveal her blood-stained dress. River gasped as stared at it in disbelief.

"The body is right behind me," Estrella continued. "But I don't want you to see it. It was just a human guard. Nobody you know." She dryly informed.

River tilted his head up to stare at Estrella's face for a good few moments and then responded. "Why would you do this?" He quietly asked her.

"All of these humans are bad. Why wouldn't I?" Estrella answered him without hesitation.

Ever since Estrella and River's one-to-one conversation, Estrella left the room and never proceeded to walk in there ever again. Afterward, River took Estrella to Alice's room. There, Estrella told Alice everything that happened which left her in complete shock. She didn't see a word back after Estrella's confession. She only sat in sorrow and told her to get showered and cleaned in the bathroom. After that, she let Estrella put in a heavy coat with a hoodie that would let her disguise herself so she wouldn't get in trouble the next time she exited the fairy rooms. It worked very well and Estrella was able to go to the dining hall without drawing too much suspicion. There was tons of gossip about her though. Many guards and even fairies were discussing Estrella who had gone missing. Some theorized that she had escaped and others suggested that she had died. These ideas were very unsettling for Estrella to listen to. Throughout these days of uneasiness, Estrella had not caught a single sight of Silver nearby even once. She would be constantly wondering where he could be.

From then on, Estrella slept in the same room with Alice and ever since she told them about what she did, both Alice and River barely said anything to Estrella. It didn't seem like they were disappointed in her but they did seem let down and hopeless. A few weeks went by as the three went through a similar routine. They woke up, went to the dining hall, went to the factory to work, and stayed in their fairy rooms for the rest of the night. The same routine became very draining and boring for them all.

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