Chapter 12 - A Place to Call Home

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"No matter what happens, the world keeps spinning around me uncontrollably. I exist in neither light nor darkness. Even in my darkest moments, the clock keeps ticking mercilessly. I live in a world knowing full well that no matter what happens, the world will keep on spinning."

Ever since Silver's father left and never came back home, he only lived with his human mother. His mother hated him because of his race and everyone else in his village was too scared to ever approach him because of his wings. Because of this, nobody in his village was truly fond of his mere existence even. Silver's mom only saw her son as an utter mistake. To her, taking care of him would mean repenting for own her sins. She had fallen in love with a fairy who had come a long way from the sky and she forever regretted that. She would not take care of Silver very well as she felt no pride in his "unique" race. She would punish Silver a lot if he ever revealed his fairy wings in front of anyone and sometimes it even resulted in physical violence. Throughout his childhood years, Silver did nothing but accept this. He accepted this as his normal life and that things would never change. There was one thing that was able to keep him sane and that was the fact that he still had the right to live as if he was an ordinary child. He also had imaginary friends to keep him company.

He was grateful that at the very least he could go to school. Once middle school came around, Silver's imaginary friends disappeared. At that time, he felt alone and this resulted in him falling into a deep depression at the age of twelve. When Silver turned thirteen, his mother couldn't take the fact that her son was a half-human anymore. She wanted to get rid of him in whatever way possible. Even if it meant getting sent to prison, it would be worth it in her eyes. One day when Silver was minding his own business, his mother barged into his room with a frightened look and then immediately tried to murder him with a kitchen knife. With haste, she uncontrollably tried to stab him but before she could land a blow, Silver thoughtlessly used whatever means to defend himself. After a harsh struggle, he was able to steal that knife away and turn it against his mom, which then resulted in him stabbing her stomach. His mom died in a swift instant. Shortly afterward, Silver cried, however, it was not because his mother died. It was because he had just killed someone with his own two hands.

The village eventually found out about his mother's death and then the guards tried to arrest him. Silver managed to get away though. He rarely used his fairy wings before but in this situation, he used this as a chance to escape. Silver flew away from his village as fast as his wings could carry him deep into the forest. He quickly flew through the fresh tall pine trees for hours on end until, to his surprise, he came across an unfamiliar village. He had never seen this place before. Silver had never left his hometown in his entire life as his mother kept him home as much as she could. She felt no pride in showing her son to people any more than necessary. Finding new people was new to Silver and it terrified him, although, judging by the fact that nobody in his hometown liked him, he naturally assumed he would get rejected in this village as well.

Hopelessness had already overtaken his entire body. In Silver's neutral state, his skin was pale as a ghost. His body was so skinny that several bones made a clear outline. Every day he felt hungry, and at this point, the life in his eyes amounted to none. One could say that Silver had already died mentally if they were to just look into his shiny grey orbs. Even so, he still had a tiny spark of hope in his heart that maybe somebody in this town would accept him. It may be small but it was something to hold on to. If this hope could not be fulfilled, then Silver had already concluded that he wouldn't be able to find a reason for himself to keep going in the future. He was very tempted to just give up and end his life at this very moment, especially since he had just killed his mother.

He kept going though. Things weren't hopeless just yet so he persisted. Silver walked into the strange quiet little town.


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