Chapter 3 - A New Life

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Estrella felt herself waking up from a long slumber as if she had just went to the bed, slept for the night, and then woke up to get ready for school. That was the first thought that crossed her mind. I woke up. Another day. But then she soon realized she never remembered herself going to bed in the first place. Estrella quickly opened her eyes and found herself staring at an unfamiliar grey ceiling. She was definitely not in her house right now. The last memories of when she was awake were slowly being recalled in her mind. Once she realized the last memories of her consciousness, she realized she had just got taken away by two adults she knew nothing about. All of her drowsiness went away instantly, causing her to sit right up so she could observe the surroundings she was currently located in. It was a room and it felt to be the size of a typical high school gym. All of the walls had an ugly grey color like concrete and the only light source that was shining in this vast room came from six big glass pane windows located at the upper area of the long walls. There were three on each side and they all gave a spotlight type of illumination.

Estrella observed the room more to see what else was in there besides herself. The entities she saw on the floor of the room shocked her. All over the gym-shaped room, there lied what had to be hundreds of people scattered all over the floor but there was also a handful who were awake looking to be just as confused as Estrella. She naturally let out a huge gasp. She then looked at her body to see if she was wearing the same clothes as she did earlier. She certainly was. She had on a short white dress which appeared to be much dustier than normal. Her shoes were not present on her feet though.

Estrella concluded that she was now somewhere she have never been before but the one thing that scared her much more than that alone was why she was here in the first place. If memory served her right, those people who broke into her home must've carried her here or at least contributed in doing this. Was her mother also here? Ever since her mom, Rose, demanded that she and Lavender must go hide somewhere, they haven't heard from her since. Regarding Estrella's younger sister, Lavender.......Lavender! Estrella's heart jumped. Was Lavender in this room too? She hoped so. If Lavender were taken from those two adults too then Estrella prayed that both she and her sister ended up being in the same room. She then scrutinized everyone around her, looking to see if anyone nearby held the same traits as Lavender.

Before long, she found out Lavender was peacefully sleeping directly next to her. Once Estrella noticed this, she sighed with relief and went towards her little sister. She felt Lavender's hand to make sure it was warm and it most definitely was. That meant she must've only passed out just like Estrella had. As much as she didn't want to do this, she proceeded to shake Lavender so she could wake up. Eventually, Lavender's eyes were seen tiredly and slowly opening up.

She then innocently sat up while rubbing her eyes and yawning. She was oblivious to her surroundings for quite some time because of how tired she appeared to be. After some time, Lavender soon began to realize that she has woken up in an unfamiliar area. "W-What? Where am I?" She questioned as she wearily scanned the area.

Estrella carefully placed her hand on Lavender's hand, causing Lavender to jump a little. "I don't know where we are," Estrella admitted. "But no matter what happens, I promise I'll protect you with all my strength. I don't want to make the same mistake...." Her voice trailed off.

Lavender stared down with a somber expression on her face. "Do you know where mom is?" She asked quietly. Her voice sounded incredibly fearful.

"No...I'm sorry."

Lavender's eyes saddened even more. Estrella could do nothing but hug her little sister again and that's exactly what she ended up doing. Estrella wished there was a way she could make Lavender feel better. Physical comfort was the only thing she knew how to do at this moment and she hated it.

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