Chapter 5 - Human

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Estrella took Lavender back to their fairy room. Lavender was still bawling uncontrollably, unable to muster any understandable sentence. As soon as they both entered their room, Estrella tried to comfort Lavender as best as she could saying that everything is going to be okay and that they still have each other. Estrella knew that she wasn't enough for Lavender though. Not only are they both trapped in an airship filled with untrustworthy humans and no way out, but they also have no clue where their mother was either. The possibilities seemed rather endless.

Estrella proceeded to lay Lavender on a bed and tucked her in the blankets for her to rest. Once she had done this, Lavender immediately started sleeping soundly. It was clear that Lavender needed this. Estrella sat down on the right side of the bed close to the sleeping Lavender and stared for a bit. Before she had time to collect her thoughts, however, a sudden knock was heard on the door. Estrella jumped and wondered who it could be. She stood up from the bed and walked towards the room and door and opened to it to find her two acquaintances, River and Alice standing outside.

"Oh, hey." Estrella greeted them.

"Nice to see you again." River remarked. He gave a serious look. "We have....something important to talk about. Mind if we come in?"

"Oh...sure. I don't mind. Lavender is sleeping though." She warned.

"That's okay." River assured. "I'd prefer to talk quietly anyway."

Alice nodded.

Within a few seconds, the two other fairies walked into Estrella and Lavender's room. Since there was only one chair and Lavender was sleeping on one of the beds, Estrella, River, and Alice gathered towards the empty white bed next to Lavender's and sat next to each other on the outer side to face the wall.

"Anyways, what did you want to talk about?" Estrella asked them calmly.

River lowered his head towards the floor. "Before I bring it up I just want you to promise that you won't tell this to anybody else. Maybe your sister, Lavender, but nobody else." He whispered.

Estrella tilted her head in curiosity. "How come?"

"I'll explain more as I go on but...I don't want to risk leaking this to the humans. No good would come for it."

"Okay. I promise you I will not tell anyone." Estrella responded in sincereness.

"Right." River let out a deep breath. "I want to find a way for all of us fairies to escape this airship. You don't like it here either, do you?"

"No..." Estrella replied shakily.

"Me neither...Alice wants to get out of here too, right, Alice?" River turned in her direction and then Alice gave a shy nod.

"So I want all three of us together to come up with a plan." River told Estrella. "Would you be on board?"

As soon as the question was asked, Estrella's entire body slowly started to tremble. "....Is it dangerous?"

"Probably." River admitted. "But we're already in a dangerous situation right now, aren't we?"

"I guess..."

Even though Estrella was definitely not guaranteed safety and she wanted to take every chance she got to get out of this place, a huge part of her still hesitated. She was simply scared. She didn't want herself and especially her sister, Lavender, to get hurt because of such a risk.

"So are you in?" River asked her once again.

Estrella continued to stay silent in deep thought for a while. "I.....don't know." She responded hesitantly. "We don't even know why we are here. What if...What if staying here is the right choice? What if the humans are just trying to help us?"

Estrella: A Story About a FairyWhere stories live. Discover now