Chapter 8 - Forgiveness

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"Estrella!! Come see! Look at this cool book I'm reading right now!" Lavender was sitting down in the middle of the living room of their cottage all cozied up on the couch holding a big book with eagerness. Estrella walked towards Lavender with a big smile and took a look at the book Lavender has been so interested in. Lavender started pointing at specific sentences in the opened book. "It says here that a long long time ago in the ancient times, there was actually someone who was a half-human! His name was Kevin and apparently, he could do both fairy AND human things! Isn't that so cool??? I'm surprised I didn't find this out until now!" Lavender told her enthusiastically while turning the pages. "Someday maybe I can go to the surface and marry a human so I can make more half-fairies appear!" Lavender suggested.

Estrella giggled. "Well, that's a serious commitment, Lavender. Also, remember that the humans below aren't fond of us fairies. It's risky too." Lavender put her finger on her chin started some serious thinking. After a few moments, she seemed to have come up with a bright idea. "Well then, maybe I can make a compromise! There must be a way we can get along! After all, our big conflict between those humans has long since passed, don't you think? They can't hate us forever." Lavender said in a serious but passionate tone.

Estrella made a grin. "You're quite the optimistic one. Say, Lavender, I know I said I was never the adventurer but I do want to see fairies and humans get along. That would be a dream of mine. Perhaps I could help you?" Estrella offered. Lavender beamed. "I'd love that!" She exclaimed. In less than a few moments, however, her beam instantly faded, and then she appeared to be sad. " can't," Lavender said as her voice lowered. Her mood suddenly shifted. "Huh? Why?" Estrella questioned her confusedly.

Lavender quickly closed her book and then stared into Estrella's eyes. "Because I'm no longer in this world. Remember?"

"But you're right here!" Estrella pointed out. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you remember?" Lavender said to Estrella slowly. "Silver killed me and you failed to save me...." Her eyes began to water.

Estrella's eyes widened. The whole scenario with her fight with Silver and seeing Lavender killed in the machine started to resurface.

"Why..." Lavender started crying quietly. "If you were just a little faster or stronger you could've rescued me...But now I'm dead."

Estrella started to panic. "I-I'm so sorry...I tried my best to save you...I was doing my best!"

Lavender turned towards Estrella with a concerned look. "Were you though...? If you weren't such a pacifist then you would be a lot stronger and you would have been able to save me. I bet you weren't prepared for that though. You were only prepared for me to save you, huh?" She accused Estrella.

"That's not true...!" Estrella shouted in desperation. "I wasn't prepared for any of this to happen! I just wanted to live a peaceful and happy life with you! I was trying to protect you the best I could!"

"And now I'm dead....." Lavender pointed out.

"Stop saying that!!" Estrella shouted weakly.

"So now you won't even acknowledge my death....?" Lavender asked Estrella, seeming betrayed by her words. "And to you think I was proud to have you as my older sister." She addressed deeply. "YOU CAN'T EVEN PROTECT YOUR YOUNGER SISTER! WHAT KIND OF OLDER SISTER ARE YOU?!!"





Estrella opened her eyes to find herself staring at a darkly lit ceiling. She was breathing heavily while her heart started beating abnormally fast. She looked around to realize that she was sleeping in her fairy room on top of her bed. She recollected her memories and realized the dream she just had that she remembered so vividly about her younger sister. Even if it was a dream, Estrella continued to truly wonder if Lavender's death was her fault. It was something that she couldn't possibly bear if that was the case.

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