Chapter 4

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Hey people! So here is the fourth chapter. Sorry for updating a little late, got busy in stuff…  

Ian Somerhalder as Damien is on the side. he's gorgeous, right?!----->

Anyways… Comment, Vote and don’t forget to enjoy! 

Chapter 4


 It felt like daggers were being stabbed in my body from different angles. One minute I was sleeping and the next I was writhing with uncontrollable pain. My mind wasn’t even working properly and all I could do was scream. My blood was boiling inside me and I was choking on air, which was scientifically impossible. Cool tears fell from my eyes in a line down my cheek and sweat trickled down my forehead. The pain I had in the morning had increased at an alarming rate and it definitely wasn’t a good sign.

The light of the room switched on,  making the pain worse,  I probably had awakened Victoria and I didn’t mean to but hey I was in pain—actually a lot of pain. I realized I was still screaming and didn’t seem to stop.

“What is wrong, love?” The voice was definitely male and sounded worried. It confused me for a second until my mind tried to reason it out. Shit, was I in a hospital? Why the heck did the doctor call me ‘love’? Maybe he had a habit of calling everyone that.

 I tried to open my eyes, but the bright light made it harder though, it felt as if little pins were being poked into my eyes. It would take some time for my eyes to adjust the lights, but until then I didn’t feel like torturing myself so I covered my eyes with the back of my hand and winced when a really bad ache started with that little movement. Great, I just tried to stop one pain only to be met with the other.

“Making it stop! Just make it stop!” I was yelling over and over and started to sob. I had my limits and this pain had just crossed over it. Hell, I might agree to do anything right now to just make this hell of a feeling go away.

“Stop what, love?” The guy who I presumed was the doctor asked. There wasn’t just worry in his voice, but also some kind of softness that I didn’t understand.

The light seemed to dim a bit and the presumed doctor said, “I have switched off the main lights and only the table lamp is on, if you can you may open your eyes now.”

I opened my eyes and it didn’t hurt as much except the fact that my whole body was hurting like hell and I was still crying. The first thing I realized was that I wasn’t in a hospital room. My surroundings weren’t plain and white and it definitely didn’t smell like chloroform or medicine in here, No, it was in fact, like a big luxurious hotel room or something; hmm, or maybe it was some prime minister’s room, Nah. Well, at least my imagination was working which had to be a good sign. A rush of choking pain ran over my body which made me instantly scream, guess I just spoke too soon.

“What’s wrong, love. Stop what? Please speak to me.” I realized I hadn’t answered the question that was asked before. I looked towards the source of the voice and gasped. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the speaker was not a doctor. No, I definitely was surprised that the guy in question was in fact a really hot dude around my age and trust me when a guy is referred to as hot by me, I don’t find most attractive as much. Even though my whole body was hurting my stupid girly hormones still reacted to him, which was weird in a way.

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