Well Fuck It Then.....

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(It's star in the pic)

(Let's pretend that all the Cube guys live in London because I fell like I need to have them all in one place so yeah suck it up or leave:) and if you don't like this book please leave because I don't want people reading and hate it so like it or leave it, I'm in a bad mod today so yeah..... And I'm also pretty depressed and allergic so everything is just shit right now, so leave a novice comment so I can be happy before I fall asleep )

Star's POV
(Still the flashback from last chapter)

When I turned around I saw Ryan (Child Dolphin)
"Don't jump please"
"Why can anyone let me die already" I cried
"Come on I'll walk you home" Ryan said as he grabbed my hand
When we arrived home Ryan said
"Don't listen to will he's Ben a duchbag to everyone since he started dating that girl"
"What's her name?"
"Brittany why"
(THE BITCH IS BACK, and if you don't know who Brittany is, she's the girl that Luke dated in the end of book one)
"Well dame"
"She's the, sorry of my bad words, slut that dated Luke and the girl that almost got me killed"
"She's a slut every time I Skype whit Will she's always on his lap for some reason."
"Ha, what a Slut" I laughed "why don't you come in we can call Braden and Mitch and then we can order pizza and do a challenge video because I need a new video"
(she did a face reveal video a month ago)
"Sure I'll call Mitch and you'll call Braden?"
"Sounds good"

~Phone Conversation~


"Hi Braden its me would you like to come over Ryan is inviting Mitch and we were thinking about doing a challenge vid and then eat pizza"

"Sure I'm up for it can I come over now"

"Yeah the door is unlocked so just walk right in"

"Oh, okay bye"


~End of phone conversation~

"Braden is come over in like five minutes" I said sitting down on the couch besides Ryan.
"Same whit Mitch"

Yeah you know what to do I'll see you next Wednesday, and yeah tomorrow my bunny rabbit will be here so I'm excited.
Comment and all that stuff

de•mons (Book 2) *Completed*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat