Pitch Slapped

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(This chapter may be triggering (idk) she will be beat and what so)

Song of the chapter is 'My songs know what you did in the dark' by Fall out boys

Star's POV

Three Days Later~

They haven't feed me these last couple of days.

Sam, or Sasquatch came in to the room whit 4-5 fils.

He put them on he table, wrote something and started to walk

As he started to walk away I said

"Hey Sasquatch where are you going?"

"I'm going to talk to my brother and my friend and try to figure out what or who you are."

"I'm a human you dummy"


Then he left

Well then....

After a while a man in a trench coat came in and said

"What are you doing in the universe"

"What are you talking about"

He grabbed a knife and walked toward me and put it to my arm and did a cut,

"Fuckk...!!!! why did you do that?!"

"So you aren't a demon or angel are you a trixter?"

"What no I'm a human gosh"

"You're not a human I've never seen you and I don't know what you are."

"IM A GOSH DANG HUMAN YOU IDIOT" and whit that he slapped me

"Why did you do that?" I asked

"Do what?!" A guy walking through the door asked

"Slap me square in the face" I said annoyed

"Cas I told you not to hit her that's Sams job"

"What?!" I screamed


Hope you liked this small chapter, tonight at 12am (Swedish time) I'll be doing a younow and it would mean so much if you hung around we can talk about basically anything


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