Goodbye Cube SMP?

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Star's POV

Later that evening I was chilling on team speak whit Mark and Graser...

"You haven't uploaded in a while" Mark said

"I know I've been away and so much shit has been going on"

(If you are confused, the chapter when she was kidnapped was a dream and her mum is in her apartment in London that's why Luke were in her room, dm me if you have any other questions :))

"But I have like 10 videos that I'm uploading today and then I'm filming tomorrow and streaming tonight" I said as adjusted my headphones

"Don't you have school" Mark laughed

"Sadly, I do but I don't really care because it's online classes"

"When can we your face?"

(You know in the airport, will, rusher and Mitchell(strawberry jam) are the only one who know what she looks like)

"Never" I said

"Are you going to Minecon?" Mark asked

"Probably I've a pass" I shrugged

Graser was about to say something but my door bell rang

"My pizza is here hold up" I said as I took of my head phones and walked to the door

When I opened the door it was a cute boy about 16 who stood there

"Are you delivering my pizza?" I laughed

"Sadly no, but I just moved in next to you and I heard you talking earlier and you sounded nice"

"Please say that to my brother"

He laughed "I'm Sean bye the way"

"I'm Star" I smiled "would you like to come in I'm eating on pizza and I'm just talking to some friends"

"That would be nice" he smiled

-after the pizza arrived-

I learned the Sean is 17 and lived alone, he have natural brown hair but died it like Kian Lawley.

He like blond girl, and he's single.

I didn't tell him much about me except that in single, 16 years old, that my natural hair color is blond, blue at the moment

Me and Sean were arguing about music when I was poked by Will on ts

Willy Wonka poked Hemmo2000~ Dude can we talk?

"Sean I need to talk my friend will so can you sit on the bed while I so that?"

I logged in ts and Will added me to a room

"Hello?" I said/asked

"So star you haven't been uploading cube lately?!" Mark said

"Umm.. no?" I said more like a question

"And you've also been fighting whit a cube member if I understand this correctly" Grape? Said

"What?" I said

"So we've been talking and-" I stopped Mark before he said anything more

"If this is the same shit Tomahawk went through I have and excuse AND if you watch my videos you'd now I still record and stream I just take a bit longer to implode due life problems"

"But the thing is that we need you to upload on your channel" Grape said

I hung up the call and selected an in edited Cube video and named it

'What's going on Behind the scenes'

Them I uploaded it and when it was done I tweeted out


Guys new cube video sorry for the lack of videos:(

I read through some of the comments and the said things like

'You should do more of this kind of videos'

'I'm crying I'm laughing so hard rn'

'You really don't need to rush we know what happens and we accept the fact that there will be slow updates'

That one comment made my day...

"So Sean do you play video games?"

"Yea, I play Cs;Go minecraft gtaV"

"Cool I actually have a YouTube channel" I said shyly

Idk I'm planning on deleting both Luke H. sister
But I don't know I feel like I've lost motivation and that no one likes these books anymore


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