Part 6

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Lauren's pov

It was finally lunch, I was sat at my desk marking papers answering emails, all of that when the door knocked, I get up and open it to see Camila I smile.

"Hi" I say, she smiles

"Hi, can I eat lunch in here?" She asked, I nod letting her in

"Isn't your friends going to be waiting for you?" I ask, she shook her head

"Dinah isn't in today" she said, I nod softly

"What about the others?" I ask, she shook her head

"Dinah is my only friend, I mean there are people who Dinah are friends with that I could sit with and stuff but I would much rather get to know my soulmate" she said, I smile at sit at my desk she pulls a chair and also sits at my desk opposite me.

We talk and get to know each other all of lunch, we had a lot in common and camila was really funny and cute, she was perfect and she made my heart flutter but we couldn't be together not with her in high school and me as her teacher.

"I play guitar and want to learn to play the piano" she said, I smile

"I can play piano and I'm also your music teacher, I could teach you" I say, she smiles

"Really?" She asked, I giggle

"It's my job babe" I say, the pet name just slipping out and it felt so right to call her that, I saw her smile at blush at the pet name.

"I would like that" she said, I nod

"Well, I'll talk to the head and then I could give you after school lessons" I say, she nods

"Thank you" she whispers and tired to hide her smile behind her banana.

"You're adorable" I say, she blushed

"Thank're hot" she said mumbling the last two words, I smile and lean over kissing her cheek watching her face get even redder if possible.

"Finish your food and clean up, the bell will be going shortly, who do you have next?" I ask by her ear

"You" she whispers, I smile nod

"Perfect" I mumble, the door opens and I quickly go back to my chair away from Camila

"Oh, I didn't know you had someone in here" mr price said, he's another teacher

"What could I help you with sir?" I ask smiling politely

"I was just going to ask about the student transfer" he said, I nod

"Right, I was just in that email about to send" I chuckle a lie, he nods

"Don't worry about it, I have the paper work here already so if you would just sign when you could, we could start transferring Shawn mendes over to the classes" he said, I nod and read over the papers and sign handing them back.

"Thank you, I'll get these to the head teacher" me price smiles, I smile back saying bye and he leaves, I let out a breath of relief.

"Who's Shawn mendes?" Camila asked

"He's a new student and was put into the wrong classes so we're sorting that out" I say, she nods and puts her rubbish in the bin.

"Is teaching a hard job?" Camila asked, i shrug

"Not really, just the paper work and emails are annoying but I guess that's every job" I say, camila nods.

"Why, do you want to be a teacher?" I ask, she shook her head

"What do you want to be?" I ask, she again shrugs

"I don't know" she mumbled, I smile

"You're only 18 you have time to figure it out" I say, she shook her head

"I don't, I start college next year and I haven't even sent off my request forms and I haven't even chosen what type of job I want to do so I don't know what to take in college-" I cut her off from her panic rambling.

"Hey, calm down take a breath, it's alright you do have time, I could help with the college applications, we could have a look at the subjects you could take. You do have time, a lot of time I didn't take the right course in college but I still got to teach which I only figured I'd like to do at 21, no one expects you to know at 18 alright, I promise" I say, she nods and I see her relax a bit.

"How about we do those college applications tomorrow? I can get a few, write down the colleges you'll like to go to" I say getting a pen and piece of paper.

Camila started to write them down as the bell went, students came in and I told them to go sit down and be quiet as I helped Camila.

"Is that all?" I ask, she nods softly pushing the paper to me

"Alright, I'll get these for you tomorrow, I'll also talk to you about the piano lessons then" I say, she smiles

"Thank you l-ms Jauregui" she said, I nod and tell her to go sit down.

Finally the lesson ended and it was also the end of the day, everyone packed up and felt leaving their work on their desks.

Except Camila, she passed hers to me and left with a smile and blush, I look and see at the top in pencil was a phone number, her phone number I smile wide and blush softly.

She's your student Lauren

But she is also your soulmate

I grab my phone and put her number in and erase the pencil, I collected everyone's work and packed up.

I go to the head teachers office and when I was allowed in, I talked to him about Camila.

"Hi sir, I was wondering if I could give Camila Cabello some piano lessons, she asked" I say, he nods.

"Sure, as long as you're okay with that" he said, i nodded

"Yes, I was going to give them to her after school" I say, he nods

"Is she paying for these lessons?" He asked, I frown

"No I was just going to do it for free" I say confused as to why she would pay

"Oh, well, what are we getting out of this?" He asked, i grow even for confused

"A student learning something they enjoy" I say, he nods

"Lauren, you're giving a student lessons after hours typically they pay" he said, i sigh

"She doesn't have to pay for this" I say, he nods

"Alright but it's coming out of your pay check" he said, I frown

"What? How much?" I ask, he shrugs

"$20 the usual price" he said

"A day?" I ask, he nods i shook my head sighing

You get to see your soulmate more, it'll be alone time with your soulmate

"Fine" I say, I leave and go to my car I get my phone and text Camila

Hey, it's Lauren, just letting you know that we can start piano lessons after school tomorrow

Thank you!! :)

I smile

It's my job babe

I put my phone away and start my car grieving home with a smile on my face

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