chapter twelve

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The next morning Zain organized his breakfast into three categories, color, fruit and left his milk in the cup. Very meticulously he separated the whites from the scrambled egg. Unaware how all the three boys were watching him. He organized the fruit by size and left them to the side as he finally began to eat his eggs, starting with the whites.

Louis handed Niall his plate and his pills, then handed Harry his food with a simple kiss on the cheek. All four sat at the small round table then Niall spoke up " So whatcha guys find exactly?" he said needing the reminder.

" We took pictures,I texted Liam and we're all heading to his place, and we're gonna review what we found." Harry said gulping down his food. " We were caught , some guard-"

Harry was interrupted when Zain dropped his fork landing on the floor with a loud clank, his cat ears twitched furiously , changing directions quickly. He got up and was patting his chest with his hand trying to catch his breath.

" Fuck he's having a panic attack." Niall said getting up and tried taking hold of Zain who was pacing and wheezing . " Zain, you're okay." Niall tried again but Zain was coughing trying to catch his breath. " I'm going to hold you, and you'll try to fight it." Niall said grabbing Zain as he tried pushing away still wheezing . " You're going to be okay." He repeated.

Zain was gripping onto Niall for dear life, breathing slowing down eventually. " You don't have to go to Liam's flat, we can stay here." Niall offered as Zain was now calm after what seemed like hours trying to catch his breath, but was just about 15 minutes .

" You'll be there? You'll hold me if I go?" Zain asked , still holding tightly onto Niall. Louis lifted his eyebrow and Harry was practically cooing.

" Yes Zain." Niall said , feeling a bit awkward how Zain was in his personal bubble, but for him he would make an exception. " Let's get you a jacket and we can be on our way." Zain was wearing a pair of Niall's sandals, and Harry's joggers along with a shirt from Louis'. He looked like a hot mess in simplest terms, and with what looked like a head band with ears attacked.

Zain rode in the back seat with Harry, Louis and Niall argued on which route would be quicker to take to Liam's place. Harry was pointing out things like the tree's and birds and every time Zain would reply with the actual name of it. Thanks to Niall's choice of street they were stuck in traffic for about twenty minutes.

" We need to talk later." Louis whispered while the two were distracted. Niall simply nodded and moved forward as the traffic started moving.

Liam lived in a very nice two story flat. His grandparents had left him enough money to only need a small scholarship for university and to buy whatever his heart desired. Hence the flat, or condo. Niall parked in the spot next to Liam's car. All piled out and waited for Liam to answer the door.

" Hey mister and misses tomlinson, the hybrid and the bottle blonde." Liam teased letting them all in, Zain's eyes wandered around , amazed by the variety of colors on the wall. Art.

" Who said I'd be taking this tosser's last name?" Harry scoffed. Going over to Liam's kitchen to grab a beer, and bringing the others soda to drink. " Can Zain have soda?"

" He can try." Louis shrugged unpacking his laptop and setting it on the glass coffee table. So Harry opened it for him and Zain sniffed it cautiously and took a big gulp but the bubbles tickled his nose and throat and he spit it out immediately out. " Blah!" He whimpered sending everyone into laughter.

" Aw poor baby." Harry cackled and took the soda from his hand , switching it with water. Liam grabbed a beer instead , and all crammed on the couch. Niall sat on the arm rest, squeezing Zain's shoulder reassuringly.

" We found some of your blood and glass on the floor, mixed in with the dirt. But we did find a building it was very far, and there was a long path. Zain we need to know more of that day. It was foggy so thickly foggy, How were you able to get out?"

Zain sighed and took Niall's hand , Niall nodded and Zain closed his eyes " I-I don't remember how I got out, I think the one on the floor above me was having a problem, the alarm was going off I think she was dying a-and it was a drill. I can't remember what happened, but I was in my hospital gown, I was angry. I broke the door a-and I ran. I just kept running. I fell, I felt sick and I remember stabbing t-the man-" He blurted, but then he squeezing the light out of Niall's hand.

" I killed him, I killed him. I'm s-sorry." Zain started sobbing , ringing his hands anxiously . " No, no,no, no,no!" He cried.

The other four remained silent, unsure of what to say or do. The new information was suffocating, there were more. Zain had blocked out what he did, he killed a man. There was blood on his hands, the boy who was a mystery was also a killer.

Zain sobbed, tears running down his face " I'm a monster." He cried looking at them.

im in theology class lololol

byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxxx

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