chapter twenty three

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" Todd, go get Mr.Styles, please that way all four of us may have a chat.  " She instructed Todd, who gave a nod, glaring at Niall then left the room. " I'm Dr. Addison Fitzgerald , I have a PhD in  genetically modified genes, graduated top of my class at Oxford, Harvad, and Yale.  And Zain is my living miracle.  I'm going to have to have you gentlemen sign a disclosure agreement,  you know can't exactly have you telling anyone. Oh Mr Payne. welcome ."  Addison said, as Liam was escorted in.  " I'm sure Todd can get you something to drink, once Harry comes back in." 

" What exactly is it that you want?" Louis asked, feeling bold, but faking it because he was scared as a lost kitten.

" To talk, to understand what made you four so accepting of my miracle." She said, waving her hand around " I was surprised with this field test, honestly, four boys taking in animal , a freak of nature."

" Field test?" Niall  asked, just as Harry walked, rushing into Louis' arms. 

" You okay?" Louis asked, inspecting his face , pressing a large amount of kisses to his face. 

" Todd , please bring these boys some lunch, and cancel my lunch plans please."

" Now Harry has been brought up to speed, and these are for you to sign, feel free to read over the fine print, but honestly it's very black and white. You can't mention anything about your experience with Zain, through media, or online, in person, physical, or even with  a religious practitioner . Or else life in prison." 

" So you want us to ignore all the cruelty that has happened to Zain, he is a person, he has rights." Niall argued.

" He suffered punishments, like anyone else. He has no rights, he was created in a lab, he is half human, half animal. "

" He tried escaping for heaven's sake!" Liam scoffed, Niall nodding along.

" If you want to know more, you're going to have to sign those papers." Dr. Addison said, sliding over four pens for each of them. 

Harry was the first to take the pen, eyes scanning over the words, and then scribbling his name on the dotted line. 

Louis looked at him , Harry gave a nod of reassurance, and Louis did the same. 

Niall read every word, wanting to know more about who Zain was, where he came from and why.

Liam signed his name not bothering to look it over, and Niall pushed all four contracts towards her.

" Lovely, now lets get started." 

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