The Big House Pt. 1

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After Jake and Rosa got sent to prison, things had been pretty gloomy at the Nine-Nine. Everyone was dealing with it in their own way and working the Hawkins case every chance they got. But the lack of leads and constant disappointment was taking a toll on them. On the other hand, Gina was on maternity leave and the squad had attended her baby shower a few days ago.

Isabel hadn't visited Rosa in the prison yet. It mostly had to do with the fact that Rosa wasn't allowed visitors for a while and when she was finally allowed, Isabel kept on finding reasons to back out.

Isabel had decided to visit the Harrisons just to get her mind off of things. Her mood was very damp these days. Even her nightmares had returned and she wasn't getting much sleep.

That meant she was more jumpy than usual.

She had snapped at Hitchcock at the precinct and eventhough he forgot about it a minute later, Isabel knew she needed a little break.

She knocked on the door.

"Bella?" Abigail questioned.


"What a pleasant surprise! Come on in!" Abigail exclaimed, pulled the younger girl inside the house. She then proceeded to pull the younger girl into a long hug.

"You seem like you need this " She told her.

"You could say that." Isabel replied.

"What's going on?" Abigail questioned.

"Just been a tough few weeks at work."

Abigail gave her a sad smile. "Yes, I heard about your friends. Sam kept going on and on about how they were framed because she knew them too well and they would never do something like that."

Isabel let out a small smile.

"That does sound like something she would go on about."

"Let's go talk in the living room."

They got settled in the living room and Abigail when to make some coffee for them.

"So Mike will be here in a couple of hours and so will Sam. And I also asked Cara to stop but she had to work on a project." Abigail revealed after she came back with the coffee and a few home baked cookies that she knew Isabel liked.

Isabel nodded. "Thank you."

"You don't look like you've been getting much of sleep." Abigail commented.

Isabel shrugged.

Abigail looked at the girl she considered a daughter. She spoke up after a moment of silence.

"You know, one thing I've always notice about you is that you don't stop fighting. And you don't sulk at the things that you don't have. Instead, You fight for the things you want."

Isabel turned to her.

"You've always been so closed up. But I've seen you open yourself up these last few months. I know it makes you a little exposed but it also makes you stronger. These new found friendships are your strengths. Do not stop fighting for these people that you believe in, honey." Isabel gave her a smile. Abigail leaned forward to give Isabel's hand a squeeze. Isabel smiled, she knew Abigail was right.

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