(18) bon appetit

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The colorful corridors were empty. You couldn't hear footsteps, that loud, like usually. Even the light was darker, making pastel colors look more fade.
    The only people in there were four players and two soldiers. Hayoon twisted her head to look at Saebyeok, who walked behind her. She was holding her hands on her stomach. Her face was pale, and her gaze was unconscious. Blue haired noticed blood on the floor.

"Are you hurt on the hand?" she asked, worried. She didn't wait for the answer, she just took off her jumper, "Take it"

"I'm fine," murmured brunette as they walked to the warehouse

All the bunk beds were gone, only four of them left, on every wall each in big space between each other.

"Come on, take it," smiled Hayoon slightly, "You helped me, so I want to help you"

She walked to her, and hold her hands, trying to take them off her stomach, to wrap around her jumper.

"I said, I'm fine!" yelled Saebyeok, but her voice sounded weak

Surprised, Hayoon took a step back, "Sae..."

Sangwoo and Gihun looked at the girls confused. They all watched a brunette walking away from them, limping a bit, to sit on one of the beds. Hayoon started to worry. Something was wrong with the girl. She put the jumper on herself.

"Why did you do it?" Gihun looked at Sangwoo

Hayoon took her gaze off Saebyeok, and turned around to the men.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Why did you push him?"

Sangwoo scoffed, "You chose the last number out of luck. Must have forgotten how things are here? What if that guy ended up wasting our time on that one step like that criminal?"

"How are you better than this criminal, huh?" said Hayoon, biting her cheek nervously, "If it wasn't that man, you would be dead before you could cross the edge! It was last tile, he would probably decide within seconds, and you didn't even give him a chance"

"How can you know that?!" 218 yelled at her, taking a step towards, "That last guy could tell the tempered glass apart the whole time, but he watched all these poor bastards out there die"

"I don't care about them!" the girl didn't hold her emotions anymore, "I care about that, that he helped us! We are alive thanks to him. Don't you get it?"

"Stop with that bullshit! That guy is not the reason that I'm still here, okay? I'll tell you the reason," Sangwoo looked at both of them, "It's that I'm willing to do almost anything to win this"

"I'm not buying these excuses. You still killed someone," said Gihun angry, "His bloods on your hands"

"Get over it! We'll be killing everyone if we want that money. You should be happy that there's someone who's not afraid to get his hands dirty"

𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕞𝕖, 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗱 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲Where stories live. Discover now