The war

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Ranboo pov:

Me and Tubbo where looking through some old stuff in his house, we found rotting flowers, old weapons and old peices of clothes.
Nothing out the ordinary.

Until I found a small box full of old cameras, pictures and cassette tapes. It was weird, why would Tubbo have this?

I saw him turn around and smiled. "I see you found the pictures and videos I took when I was younger" he giggled and walked over.

"What are they?"
"They're videos and pictures I took during the wars, just stuff to remember"

I nodded. "Do you still have something we could watch the cassette tapes on?"
"Yeah, it should be around here somewhere.."

He went off on a hunt for whatever he was looking for, I looked through the pictures.

I recognised Tommy straight away, blonde hair and blue eyes, he didn't have a white streak in his hair or any scars apart from a few plasters.

This was weird..

There was also another kid, he had blonde hair and a green shirt that was buttoned properly. He looked a bit like Tubbo, but Tubbo never wore green shirts, he also has brunette hair and he's a goat hybrid, this kid was human.

Tubbo returned with the vhs tapes and placed them down. "Oh my god you found the photos of me when I was 9!"

"This is you?" I tilted my head. "Mhm! Just outside the walls of l'manburg" tubbo sat next to me, laying his head on my shoulder.

"It was just before the war was declared" he took the stack of pictures and moved the current picture to the back, showing a photo of him in the l'manburg uniform while holding a sword.

"Soldier at 9 years old, lovely title.." he sighed and looked down, his fluffy ears drooping.

I hate seeing him upset, so I try to change the topic. "The times before that where fun though, right?"

This made him perk up a bit again.

"They where.. I had my own garden in the forest" he mumbled, a small smile forming on their face. "How about you tell me more about that? What type of flowers was there?" I spoke softly, putting the photos back in the box and pulled tubbo onto my lap, playing with their hair.

"It was mainly pink tulips.. but there where daisies and alliums" he laid their head on my chest, calming down slowly as he kept rambling on about his garden back then and the one we have on our back yard.

I love him so much, I don't know what I would do if I didn't meet him.

Updating this finally! I'm sorry for not uploading at all- but I'm finishing off oneshots i have on here already and then I'll write new ones!


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