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Third Person POV

Annabelline looked over her torturing tools.

"You know Klaus I was too nice to hurt Elena and effect your hybrids but the truth is I always did hate her and doppelgangers. And you killed Caroline so I'm gonna torture you both. Don't try to escape I had the ropes spelled and laced with wolfs bane and vervain for Klaus and Gold Spur Wood for Elena."Belle said.

"What's Gold Spur Wood?"Elena asked,petrified.

"Well dearest Elena,you come from a traveler bloodline. Gold Spur Wood is like vervain on vampires for travelers."She replied,"Now when the pain comes,scream as much as you like."An evil grin came across her face,"Shall we start?"

She picked up a set of fancy, ancient razor blades.

"But before I stab you Elena,I have to put a spell on you so you won't die...But you'll want too."Belle said and chanted quickly.

She pulled up the parts of her pants on her calfs and drew a long deep slice through her skin with the biggest  blade there was.

Elena screamed in pain and closed her fist,wondering why her once happy friend was doing this.

"Oh wow Elena does that hurt?"Belle asked,wiggling the blade in zigzag motions causing Elena to cry out in pain.

'Now for Klaus' She thought...She started humming a song under her breath.

"You know Klaus it hurts when you leave somebody to be tortured by witches. Especially when you thought the person loved you..."Belle circled around him with an emotionless face and out of no where she plunged her nails into his eyes,causing him to roar in pain and double over.

"This is what it felt like when they stuck fireplace pokers into my eyes to see how vampires reacted to flames."She said making her nails catch fire and took them out,letting him slowly heal.

"This is what it felt like when they ripped out my lung to see if we could survive without it."She growled and roughly ripped out his right lung.

She walked over to Elena,her heels clicking.

"You look nearly dead."Belle made a disgusted face.

Elena's face was white and blistering, eyelids swollen nearly shut, hair falling from the front of her forehead in thin clusters, the victim of Belle's torture's cries came from deep within her chest, rabid animal sounds that twisted into raspy moans by the time they left her cracking lips. She tried to say something, but it came out as nothing but a guttural bark.

Belle shook her head to try and take away the guilt and focused on nature,making her hands electrify in blue sparks.

She grinned at Elena and grabbed her throat with the electricity and as a response she sprayed blood out in a crimson mist coming from her mouth.

"Bye bye. You've had enough for the day."Belle said and left.

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